Tue 20/07/21

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So today right, yeah it was quite short actually. Not much of a day, if I must say so myself I couldn't really tell because I wasn't paying much attention to the time, I wasn't really paying much attention to what was around me either. I planned to skip out of class today but didn't see the point of doing so after. It's not what you think I wasn't tryna skip class on purpose or anything. It's just that I didn't want to end up having not focused in class and feeling dumb for not being able to do so.
Also, I just don't know how to cope with the many emotions I feel without having an emotional breakdown every few days, I'm trying not to retreat to my meds again. They didn't help the first time, so who am I to think they're gonna work the second, well it's not a matter of if it's gonna work but rather if they can just numb my emotions. Talking about my emotions was helping until the person I became reliant on ranting too is not here to listen to me rant right now. So I just keep everything bottled up. But it's getting tiring to do because my emotions are beginning to slip through the cracks, I end up saying something or doing something without reasonable context. I also am sleeping a whole lot more but I don't feel like I am refreshed or that I'm not tired anymore.
What about the juicy insights you maybe reading more of to see well you'll just have to stick around and see. Anyways maths corrections it is for me.


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