Wed 21/07/21

7 2 0

Hi, so I'm back. Not really with a rant today but yeah some random thoughts. We did this class activity today where we took our heights, weights, and other measurements of characteristics that had to do with Variations for polygenic inheritance. It was interesting to say the least, although what threw me off during class was when I got weighed and realized that I had lost weight, I guess I hadn't realized that I hadn't been eating much or I didn't think it would matter much. I had been skipping meals for the last couple of days of the week, for various reasons none of them valid but also mostly because I let my emotions get the best of me most times and I don't end up eating at all. Although don't get me wrong I can eat a whole lot of food and I'd still be hungry but I haven't had the appetite for much recently. I'm alive today, I see that as quite an accomplishment because I don't even know why I'm alive but we're all just supposed to be grateful that we are right I guess so. I don't understand the meaning of being alive and how to be grateful although I don't want to seem like I am being so on purpose so I try to remind myself that other people are being physically abused constantly, or are more deprived than I, that I should be grateful for my even of the slightest advantages of good coming. The day wasn't that long though I tried not to sleep through physics even though I paid full attention. I'm trying not to isolate myself and not think too much, try to find interest in things I used to again. Oh and yes my maths corrections went splendid. Oh, and we might be able to get our meds soon fingers crossed. And on a final note if our DNA codes for our physical capabilities then doesn't that mean that being non-athletic is genetically inherited? I don't know just asking. Tell me what you think.

Tiamat 💛

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