Saturday 07/08/21

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3am I'm awake and I'm reconsidering what everything I've done has lead to this moment. Choice of friends, the people I've interacted with. All the unhealthy boundaries have to be redrawn. If I haven't said it yet my health is deteriorating, well if I haven't said it yet. I don't understand why I could give up on myself so easily at times but never would I give up on someone else I'd still believe in them and help them through whatever it is they were going through I'd never give up. I don't like how most people reactive when you tell them you have depression or anxiety. It's like they think you are crazy of something. We're not we just are a bit more emotional and when you don't have the right coping mechanisms in place or the moral support it gets worse. You need the right people around you to overcome this you can't do it alone. Humans are social beings they need affection and interaction with other people in order to be able to live. Where most times you see when a person isolates themselve, it doesn't end well. I've been sucidal even tired to harm myself yes I do so everyday without knowing it.

To be continued.....

Tiamat <3

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