Thur 22/07/2021

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Sorry girls and guys this one's late I slept through more than 12 hrs. I would have woken up but my motivation to do so was cut short but by a not-so-great way of waking up. This also reminded me that even if something bad happens, don't let that one thing ruin your whole day. It is just one thing compared to the many other things that happen throughout the day that will be good better yet great. I think too much, I mean who doesn't, I know most people say, "just don't think about it try doing something else and clear your mind". My mind doesn't work like that and nor do most people's do, so I try not to think about worrying about most things a lot but I end up failing most times. But the saying goes "it's better to have tried and failed than not try at all", so yeah. I'm trying, I try more and more every day, and even if I fail I think that's a good thing that I did because then I can learn from that and invest in better ways in which I can help myself to succeed. In other news, I got access to meds and I might get them tomorrow but my intuition says that I shouldn't take anymore. But I'm sitting on a fench right now and don't know what to do. I also tend to focus on what I've lost rather than what I've got, which I just identified (I know right took me like 18 years), and am trying to focus on what I have at the moment. Having that said I've made it my focus to do what's best for myself. I also think I owe it to myself to do better because I've been running my body like a machine with no maintenance and it's getting rusty. I tend to have anxiety attacks more often because of my how exhausted my body is. Especially when I don't have enough sleep or too much sleep. And I try to walk my anxiety attacks off (a bad idea if you get light-headed) I'm trying new breathing techniques but the results are mediocre. Oh and before I forget, to anyone that reads this every day is a new day and it won't be the same as the last. Whether it be a good day or a bad day it's all in your perspective. You have all the control over your circumstance even if you feel that you don't you always will, it won't be easy to take the reigns but remember that a steering wheel can't turn itself without someone doing so and I'm pretty sure you are in capable hands.

Tiamat 🧡

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