Sat 24/07/21

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I set three alarms to wake up today, three of which I switched off and went back to sleep because I didn't want to get out of bed. I eventually did so when I'd realized it was almost 8 am and I planned to wake up at 6 am, so you can see how that went. Went to school again, it was productive I think, and came home around 6 pm. I watched an amazing movie today "Raya and The last dragon" I'm gonna have to watch that again even though the dragon
creeps me out. The overall theme of the story was trust and it made me think about what the pretty dragon said. She had said to trust others first even if they don't have the best history believing that they will trust you too and that all things will work out. That movie made my day it was amazing and the humor in the movie was spot on. I mean there were some species of animal that acted as limbs for a toddler as extensions. And a guy who was supposed to be all guts and gory but was just someone who had lost his family and was just revengeful because of the pain he felt. Overall the movie was amazing and it had made my day, just like all the other people that do so every day of my life. Especially the person who I love most, the one that made me believe that I could love and I wouldn't have it any other way, the one that says the most obnoxious things which just pisses me off at times but I know he means well, just didn't know how to put what he meant into words. Yeah, I could write more than just a book about him, maybe I will. Also to those who constantly check on me even though we don't talk much or we do talk often I'm grateful they do. And I try my best to do so for them too. Oh and there's like a whole part of the day missing but I'll add that in later somewhere when I re-edit in the future. And I'm off to do another mock paper, Chemistry it is. Oh and sidenote if you don't already listen to Post Malone please do so, it's a whole vibe on it's own. Have a good day Mats and if you're not having a good day I hope your day gets better.

Tiamat 💕

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