Sat 28/07/2021

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My heart has been beating irregularly for the last few days. I wake up tired even if I've slept more than 10 hr. I don't feel tired, but I know my body is. I've slept two hrs today, mostly coz I didn't want to sleep because I'd end up being even more tired. I almost end up crying in class most days because I just feel sad more than often. So I pull out my acting skills and act like everything is okay. The thing is the worse the situation is the better I am at keeping my composure. Don't get me wrong I'm not feeling sorry for myself. The's no time for that. My body is tired but I don't think it's time for it to rest. I just keep pushing it and it keeps on showing signs that it needs to rest. I'll be able to rest soon enough so I'm not too worried.
Most of my day was spent at school, so yes. I am just trying to focus more on studying and less on everything else. Most times I fall right through and other times I don't. I'm just trying to do the best I can in the best or worst of circumstances. We all are. But, I know it's better to try, than regret and not know what could have been. Even if that means failing. And also I have to keep reminding myself that I should focus more on what I can control and not what is out of my control, it helps.

Tiamat 💚

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