Sun 26/07/2021

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Hi mats, just got done with three mock exams. I swear I had so much energy when I started but I'm so exhausted now. I mean, sitting in the same place for 2 and a half hours is physically demanding. Three times over though is a challenge, oh and I got distracted throughout as well and at times either by being in my thoughts or replying to friends or family. But I was glad to have got all my mock papers done. I have struggled with my speed and accuracy, very much with each of the papers I have completed. Although I've tried to attempt all questions but do miss some of them out because I tend to focus on some questions more than others. I have to time myself for 2 and a half mins for each question. Oh and also I got all my papers done at 8 pm today. Which was a first and a good thing, because I usually get done 2 hrs before they are due. I had several conversations with different friends today and my twin which opened up my mind and thoughts to a lot of things it made me try to take an even broader perspective as to who is affected by certain decisions and whether or not I should concern myself or not with such, it was quite interesting learning experience. Also, I have to make sure to fulfillil my role as a student leader because I've been slacking recently and I need to make an impact on as many people as I can, as a positive contributor before my term is over. I have one month left to make my impact (no pressure at all). I also need to do more revisions. I think I'm having a great start to it. My day has been mostly just solving questions, studying, and watching tutorial videos. I really need to clean my room and remember to eat something. I have also learned that I've been showering more often because I find the water on my skin therapeutic. That was basically my day and also I had a bit of sugar sprinkled on my day by some news of making new friend's. Always a wonderful sight to see. Finally, I tried to do biology worksheets I didn't complete but I ended up falling asleep. With that good night to you all, much love to you's. On another note though, know that just having the motivation to get yourself out of bed and take another breath is an amazing thing you do and you are an amazing person as well for trying. And if you don't have the strength to try, I hope I can give you the strength to do so through my writing. For you are worth the time to be listened to and to be patient with, it won't be easy but I'll for for t it out with you. Like my girl bee sent to me "if you can't see the light in the darkness, I'll sit with you".

Tiamat 🧡

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