Friday 23/07/21

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Another day, another brain cell's death. Laughing out loud, I don't know why I just said that. So today is Remembrance day, where we commemorate the day many of our fallen angels who fought in the second world war for our freedom from the majority colonial rule of the Japanese. I swear, I didn't even recognize it was a public holiday because school was as usual. I also will have to go to school tomorrow it's a norm to go to school 6 days a week, even on public holidays too. I know strenuous, but it's the last year of high school so it has to be given all the best even if the health benefits are lacking (not great, you get sick often but then your immune system strengthens). So we had two study periods for maths and physics each today and breaks in between.
I got to play futsal today why exactly did I play futsal when I don't play any sport anymore, let alone am interested in any. Well, the thing is when I'm stuck thinking about something too much or am not able to understand something that well physical exercise helps with blood flow, and therefore I thought to do so after a long while so that I could better process information. I think it helped, and I think I'll do well and in the mock exam, I'm supposed to do today. It was fun playing futsal even though I bumped into several people. At one point I was pretty sure I heard white noise because I'd hit my head as well, it was interesting. I only managed to play 10 mins though, still better than nothing. I also did an LNL mock paper earlier this morning it was soothing. I hope to do my two maths papers at school tomorrow. Also, I feel fine right now which kinda scares me because when that happens I usually have a huge drop in serotonin. And the results are not at all favorable but I try to maneuver through them the best I can. Also, I went around school telling half the people I know I was a striker because I'm striking (it was a good laugh). So yeah, that was most of my day. It was a good day actually, well every day is, it's just I usually tend to forget that I should try to identify the good things instead of the bad. Oh, and by the way, you all wouldn't mind being called the Mats if you read any of my stuff right? It sounded cute so I'm just mentioning the fact.

Tiamat 💜

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