34. Music Festival

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Youngil: What?! Is he a bad guy? That innocent-looking guy?

Star: How did you find out? Do you even know if it's true

Daxia: I am sorry but there is someone better for you

Y/n: I spoke with him and I came to the point where we two would never work out well together

Mai: *whispers* Are you sure it’s not because of everything else?

Sarah: Aish… I was so sure you two would be the cutest couple of all time except me and Jisung *smirks*

Alia: *talks to Y/n* Hold me back or you should punch her before me

Y/n: *flickers Sarah’s head* No more love talk! We need to train every day and every hour we get and keep an eye on school or they will remove our team

Music Festival- Y/n’s point of view
Call me a fool. Call me stupid, but Jaemin was right. My feelings for him remain exactly the same. I know he is a bad person and I know he acted all good to get to me, but my feelings won't seem to disappear.

I stayed up until 3 AM last night and it was worth it.  I was already exhausted watching the twins and my little sister which are my cousins. I kind of felt bad since Mai and Alia used to know everything about me, but I never told them anything about my past life.

Even the school is dumb enough to believe in my horrible signatures until last year my uncle came and explained it to them. All night I played basketball alone near the playground beside my house.

Instead of sleeping and charging up the energy I went and took my frustration out on the ball. I miss my parents even if I try to forget about the pain. Each night I fall asleep in the bedroom they used to sleep in.

I even think that my aunt (my uncle's wife) starts to like me since she sees my pain. I don’t understand the world. Why would they choose to make me suffer for my sins right now?

Kate: Everyone knows we have a game today and somehow everyone is lacking a BIG amount of sleep!

Y/n: Speak to the rest. I am in the best shape and I even feel healthy *scoffs*

Alia: I couldn’t stop watching the new C-drama I started on

Alia: I am crying and begging while praying so I can have a guy like him! I swear to god I want kids and a husband now! *pouting*

Mai: I had to finish my art project so I did it for school, not for personal reasons

Sarah: I got lost in the anime Youngil and Y/n talked about *innocent smile*

Kate: What about the rest? What’s your dumb reason?

Daxia: I stalked a new guy with Mizuki

Star: I am usually sleepy *scratches her head*

Kira: I was gaming. I am not going to lie when I say it was worth it

Y/n: Hey Kate just breathe, okay?

Kate: WHAT?! Girl! Our game starts in 20 minutes and you as our team captain are fine with this!? You asked us to get rest yesterday

His Devious Smile [Na Jaemin] 2Where stories live. Discover now