47. Another Family

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Y/n: What are you saying Yeonji! *gets shy* Please just eat your food

Nani: *chews her food* I have a question to ask

Y/n: *Feeds the twins* Yes just ask it

Y/n: *puts more food on Jaemin's plate*

Jaemin: *smiles* (Maybe there is more hope than what I thought?)

Nani: I been hearing mum and dad ask and they spoke about you not being their child

Jaemin: *shocked* Cutie isn't it better to keep these kinds off-

Y/n: *inhales deeply* It's true Nani. I am not your biological older sister but I am your biological cousin which means your father is my father's brother

Yeonji: So Unnie isn't Unnie? That makes zero sense

Y/n: Just because I am not your older sister by blood doesn't mean I can't be your older sister.

Y/n: I want to be your older sister and I hope you guys also-

Nani & Yeonji: *stands up and hugs Y/n* you will always be our older sister! No one can replace you!

Y/n: I love you guys so much! *hugs the girls and kisses the twins on their forehead*

Jaemin: *smiles* Do you want me to the feed the twins so that you can eat?

*The door opens and their parents walk in*

Nani: MOMMY! *runs to her mother*

Yeonji: DADDY! *runs to her father*

Father (Y/n's uncle which she calls father): It smells so good

Mother: (Y/n's aunt which she calls mother): I am in heaven by the smell

Y/n: There is more fried rice if you guys want to eat but I didn't cook

Mother: did this young man cook? *lifts up Yeonji*

Nani: His name is Jaemin and he is very kind and sweet

Yeonji: He didn't poison our food and he is a good friend of Y/n *smiles*

Jaemin: *stands up and bows* Pleasant to finally see you

Father: no need to great like we are royal *laughs* Thanks for helping Y/n to look after the kids.

Father: We never thought we would have four children! We were aiming for two then plenty came *laughs*

Mother: is this some kind of teenage talk?

Y/n; *looks upset* Jaemin was a lot of help *smiles*

Jaemin: all I did was cook she looked after them the whole day and the twins she was like their real mother *smiles*

Father: Talking about real mother we got you the docoments you wanted to look over and it's true

Y/n: oh my god! Can I see it?

Father: *hands Y/n the documents* Here you go. This might be a shock but we want you to know that we are with you all the way and we remain the same

Nani: What's going on mommy? Why is Y/n crying?

Jaemin: *sit's closer to Y/n and holds her hand* Hey, look at me

Y/n: *sniffs* You...I...they

Jaemin: whatever that's behind that we can fix it or clear it together

Y/n: No...we cant cause then I have taken a choice *stands up and opens the letter*

Mother: what dose it say?

Y/n: Before my parents passed away they had held onto a secret which I got as their belongings and since I am the only child but...

Jaemin: *stands up* But?

Y/n: *reads the documents* I am not an alone child. I have an older brother

-End of Season one-

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