2.20 Explain it, don't be mad

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Heachan: you keep your eyes on the road Chenle, while I speak

Chenle: *Starts driving* At least I get to hear what she have to say

Heachan: So what happened? Why are you standing in the cold?

Y/n: Because Jaemin is an asshole

Heachan: You unfortunately need to explain more

Y/n: He just raged at the café and punched Taiyo and then he started bleeding but before I could help Taiyo he dragged me to the car

Chenle: I assume Mark called him when we specifically said not to

Y/n: What does Mark have to do with this?

Heachan: Jaemin and Jeno has been friends since forever so they always look out for each other. But when Jaemin had to do his solo Jeno went to Japanese with Renjun and Mark

Chenle: Then they got to know Taiyo but Jaemin knew Taiyo before that and had been working with him until he wanted to back out. Taiyo used Jeno to force Jaemin to work with Taiyo

Heachan: Then they made a promise which Taiyo broke. It was that he would never drag Jeno into the past that made Jaemin mad

Y/n: nothing really made sense *sighs*

Heachan: Basically Taiyo and Jaemin made a deal to not bring in Jeno into his criminal work, but Taiyo sent Jeno to the east coast? I think? Well it was to get drugs

Y/n: That's doesn't make him have the right to harsh me

Chenle: True, but then again you barely know anything about your brother

Chenle: I don't mean to be rude Y/n, but Jaemin has been friends with him for ages and knows Taiyo in and out

Heachan: You at least know why Jaemin was so pissed off. He hates when people break promises

Y/n: That doesn't make him have the right to leave me on the highway to die!

Chenle: hold on, don't say that. He might have been mad but he would never let you die

Heachan; More like he would die for you *chuckles*

Chenle: also remember that the second you left the call he sent an SOS message to me and Heachan to come and get you before you freeze

Y/n: (that doesn't change the fact that they support their friend)
Heachan: Just wait until Jaemin clams down and then you can talk to him. Then you will see why everything happened and you two will be happy again

Y/n: Why are you parking at your place? I don't live here

Chenle: You live alone, kind of dangerous so we made a spare room to you here *parks the car* Jisung even brought you some clothes they are on the bed

Y/n: *sighs* Thanks guys for the ride *gets out of the car*

Y/n' s point of view- Inside the NCT Dream House

I hate it that he had to be so rough and aggressive. I understand that they had issues going on but something didn't sense right with Taiyo to start with. Especially since Daxia told me she saw Taiyo do drugs in the bathroom as well as Youngil mentioned that he sold stuff in their math class. 

I already had my suspicions on Taiyo when Mai's brother hacked into the system and found out that he was jailed three times for drugs criminality. Jaemin might have thought that I trusted Taiyo 100%, but he constantly forgets that I lived on my own for years. 

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