Project Buttercup (Karl Heisenberg)

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By Karl Heisenberg, Recording #1

The date... eh, October 14th.

I've decided to start an experiment. What the fuck I'm callin' it, I dunno yet. Let's just call it, eh.. Project Lonely Fuck or something. I don't give a shit about the name right now.

I'm gonna record my progress to look back on Incase I forget anything.. or if something goes wrong.. then people will know what happened to me...So, Mother Miranda, if you find these recordings— go fuck yourself and stay out of my business.

So. "Future Karl" or whoever... I'm staring an experiment. This shit is gonna take some time, especially with the amount of testing and all that shit. I can expect this thing to last up to a year in just preparation. There's no telling how long the experiment itself will take. This is resurrection we're talking about. For all I know this whole talk of resurrecting the dead may be a load of shit and I'm wastin' my time... However, when you're as low as I am... you're willin' to try anythin'...

End of Recording #1...


By Karl Heisenberg, Recording #2

The date, October 19th.

Since the first recording I've done a bit of research on my own. Alcina has graciously allowed me to take a look into her library and pick out a few books of my choosing, so long as I bring them back in one piece. You wouldn't believe how big that fuckin' room was. Every wall was a book shelf and every wall was littered in books. At first, I didn't think she'd have what I was looking for but surprise, surprise— she had it.

Now, I know I sound a lot like that fictional guy, what's his name— oh yeah, Frankenstein! The guy wasn't too out of his mind when I take a look at the science in his theory. Dare I say that the whole resurrection thing might be possible. I'll take a look at that book I got from Alcina and I'll come back to ya later. For now, I haven't got much to say except for... I desperately need a hobby...

End of Recording #2...


By Karl Heisenberg, Recording #3

The date, um November 7th— No, fuck! Alright, retake...


By Karl Heisenberg, Recording #3

The date, November 6th.

Been a while since I last took a recording over Project Lonely Fuck. During this time I've been reading up on the book. The title? Wouldn't you like to know... I've noticed that Alcina's handwriting it written on some of the pages. notes, she's taken I believe. Which means she used this book quite a lot.. and for what experiment, I can only guess it has something to do with the flies.

I'm about nearly done with all the books Alcina allowed me to borrow and I gotta say I'm surprised she'd had them in her library. Then again, it doesn't entirely shock me that she might have them back when she too had experiments of her own. Yeah, it's hard to believe that my dear sister had gotten her hands dirty at one point. Those three daughters of hers are a mystery in itself— where, when, why and how she got them I don't know. They girls aren't related to her and I highly sought they are related to one another— never mind, I'm getting off topic.

Needless to say, the experiment my sister performed in order to get her daughters just might help me find a blueprint of what I'm looking for. Perhaps if I talked Alcina in letting me interview her on her experience, I can look this over later and get a clue. Won't be easy though, she'll get curious and start asking questions. I can't exactly explain to her that I'm fucking lonely in this goddamn factory and am looking to create a goddamn companion for myself. It already sounds pathetic coming out of my own mouth and I don't need it coming out of her mouth. She'll never let it down.

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