Pillow fight ~ Bill Denbrough

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              For this chapter, listen to the song girls just wanna have fun - by Cyndi Lauper :)

3rd person pov:

You and the rest of the losers were having a sleepover at Bill's' house. You guys did the typical sleepover stuff: watching movies, playing board games and ate tons of snacks. You guys had just finished watching 'the breakfast club' and were flicking through the rest a pack of CDs deciding on which movie you would like to watch next. Bill was flicking through a pack of CDs labelled 'horror'.

"Um Bill, do we have to be watching a horror movie, you know how you are with them" you say smiling, every time you and Bill watch a horror movie your arm is used as his squeeze 'toy', your arms looks like it has been strangled, which is basically what was happening. Regardless, you still found it cute whenever he did that.

"Oh yeah, s-s-sorry guys, I f-forgot y/n is t-terrif-f-fied of horror m-movies" he said grinning.

"And I have a small ass" says Richie sarcastically. 

Everyone in the room scoffs and rolls their eyes. You guys are still bickering on what movie to watch when all of a sudden Richie screams "PILLOW FIGHT" hitting Eddie hard on the face with his pillow. 

"Oh it's on" says Eddie throwing his pillow at Richie's face. Before you know it everyone is hitting someone with their pillow. Richie is about to hit you really hard with his pillow when Bill comes up and stops it into from flying into your face. 

"Yo what the fuck dude?" says Richie hopping down from the sofa,"that was about to hit y/n pretty good" he says looking disappointed and angry at the same time. You see, the losers weren't exactly aware of you and Bill's relationship, you guys wanted to keep it a secret, so far it had worked. 

Bills pov:

Richie had tried hitting y/n with a pillow, the throw looked pretty powerful and I didn't want her getting hurt. So stopping the pillow from hitting her was the only solution. However, Richie didn't seem too happy. Me and y/n have been doing pretty good keeping our relationship a secret. We wanted to tell them, we really did but we were scared of their reaction. We also didn't tell them because if we broke up they might act weirdly around us, or it might also split the group apart, which is definitely not something we want to happen.

"Richie w-why do you c-care anyways?" I say trying to playing it cool, but the sentence came out sounding defensive.

I see everyone around me stop hitting each other with their pillows, they turn their attention towards me and y/n. 

Richies pov:

Ever since I saw y/n and Bill holding hands at the park a few days ago, I began to raise my suspicions about them. Now everything made sense. Y/n and Bill are dating. How could we have all been so stupid.

"Are you and y/n dating?" I turn to face Bill whose face has now turned the colour of a tomato.

"U-uh w-we -" Bill says stuttering a lot before y/n cuts him off.

"We didn't want to tell you, but yeah. We are." she says looking at Bill, who nodded at her.

3rd person pov:

Everyone just stood there for a second before they flooded y/n and Bill with questions.

"how long have you been dating?"

"have you kissed yet"

"why didn't you tell us"

"is that why you guys-" they were cut off by y/n telling everyone to save the questions for the next day. 

Y/n's pov:

That night, me and Bill arranged our sleeping mats next to each other. I could tell he was still shocked about what had happened that night. We turned to face each other "good night y/n" said Bill already falling half asleep. "Good night Billy" I finally said. 

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