drowning ~ Bill Denbrough

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You gave yourself a running start and jumped off the cliff into the cold water of the quarry. Then came Beverly, and the rest of the boys. It was a typical day in summer, hanging out with the losers and having tons of fun. Whilst everyone else was doing a chicken fight, you go away from them to the deepest part, to test how deep the water can get. You're about to go down, but from the corner of your eye, you thought you saw a clown. You didn't think too much of it and continued going down. You were shocked when you found yourself losing breath before you could touch the bottom, you came up to the surface took an even deeper breath and sank down below. Still the same result. No matter how far down you would go, there was no sign of you actually being near the bottom. How strange, you think to yourself. When you reach the surface of the water again. You feel yourself being tugged under the water. You tried kicking your leg loose from the tight grip, but nothing was working. Your worst fear was happening to you. You were drowning. Soon enough your whole body was dragged under the water, you found yourself running out breath quick. Everything slowly turned black.

Bills' pov:

I left everyone who was doing the chicken fight to go talk to y/n. I couldn't see her anywhere. I thought she had left, but I could still see her clothes. Then where is she I thought to myself.

"G-guys, w-where's y-y/n" I said getting worried. I could sense something was wrong. Very wrong. Soon enough everyone was looking for y/n, but there was still no trace of her anywhere. I saw Richie go to the deeper side of the quarry, he probably saw y/n there last. Soon enough Richie came from under the water. Carrying y/n in his arms. Her face looked pale, and her lips were turning blue. 

"Guys! I found y/n!" Richie shouted from where he was. Richie swam to us still carrying y/n and placed her on the ground. I searched her neck for a pulse. I pumped her chest, it wasn't working. Y/n was still unconscious. 

"I think we have to do mouth to mouth" I heard Eddie say.

Without hesitating, I pinched her nose and gave her mouth to mouth. Her hand twitched slightly and her head jerked up. She started spitting out lake water, and began coughing. Thank god she's awake. I think to myself. She sat up, and hugged me, I hugged her back but not too tight, so I wouldn't hurt her. Then everyone else proceeded to hug her back. She  told everyone that she should start getting home to get some rest. I saw her weakly get up, she didn't look fit enough to ride her bike home.

"y-y/n, I'll help y-you get h-home" I said running to her side. I carefully picked her up and put her on my bike. I would run back to the quarry and return her bike later. I sat down on my bike, y/n  putting a weak grip around my waist. I secured the grip, and cycled home. On the way, I constantly kept on checking behind me to make sure y/n was ok. Right before we reached her house, she fell asleep. I smiled at myself and picked her up bridal style. Still holding her, I knocked on the door. No one answered, no one was probably home, so I tried opening the door. It was locked. I carefully set y/n down, and checked under the mat for a key, luckily there was a key, so I opened the door. I picked y/n back up again. I led her in the house and set her down on the sofa. I sat on the other end of the couch. 

Thankgod she's ok, I thought to myself.

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