Spin the bottle ~ Richie Tozier

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*listen to 505 by arctic monkeys for this chapter:)*

3rd person pov:

Y/n's parents were out of town so being the teenager that she was she threw a party. Obviously inviting the losers, as well as most people in her grade. She went to her room and called all the losers just to make sure they were coming, you didn't have to call the rest of the people in your grade because you were 99.9% certain they were coming. However, sometimes with the losers it was kind of hard. Mike often had to work at the farm, Beverly wasn't always allowed out because of her fathers rules, Stan had to prepare for his Bar Mitzvah and Eddie's mom was very protective of Eddie. Luckily though when she called only Beverly would be the one missing out because her dad grounded her. 

Whilst y/n was preparing for the party, she heard a knock at her door. Scared it was her parents home early she checked out the window. Thank god she thought to herself it was only Richie. Richie always came early to parties because according to him he didn't want all the fun to start without him. 

"You're early" you say opening the door.

"Hello to you too" he says smiling already entering and sitting on the couch putting his feet on the coffee table.

"My best friend throws a party, and I'm not welcome a few hours early" he say jokingly.

"Well since you're here, I could use your help, could you go the basement and grab me a few fairy lights.

"No way in hell am I going to the  dark basement by myself" he says looking straight at y/n, hinting for her to come with him.

"Come on please Rich, there's a ton of stuff I have to do, I don't have time to come with you" she lied. You see, even y/n and Richie were best friends, she liked him more than a friend, she had been crushing ever since that day in 3rd grade.


"y/nnnnnn" slurred Henry Bowers.

"Go away Henry" said y/n sitting on a park bench waiting for her best friend so that they could go to the arcade.

"Are you waiting for your boyfriend Richie" he said stepping closer to y/n.

"He's not my boyfriend" she said defensively standing up face to face with Henry Bowers.

"Oh really" he said shoving her to the hard floor, giving the poor girl a graze on her cheek.

Y/n being a little kid couldn't help but cry at the sudden sting. Henry ran off as soon as he saw her cry not wanting to gain any attention. Y/n was still sitting on the floor crying when she felt a warm hand on her shoulder. It was her best friend Richie.

"Richie!" she wailed hugging him tightly.

"Y/n what's wrong?" he said hugging her tightly back.

She pulled from the hug revealing the graze on her cheek.

"Oh no!" he said "come sit down" he said whilst sitting down.

Y/n couldn't help but sob, Richie hugging her tightly. Richie then remembered he had a plaster in his pocket given to him by Eddie. He pulled it out of his pocket and put it on her cheek.

"There you go" he said smiling, giving her a quick peck on the cheek where the plaster was.

"Now how about we go to the arcade" he said standing out and presenting his hand for her to hold. She gratefully took it and immediately felt better. From that day on, y/n didn't think of  Richie as her best friend, but as the boy she was crushing on.

"Come on pleaseeee" he begged not wanting to go there by himself.

"You know what fine." she said giving up.

When they reached the garage door, y/n reluctantly opened it revealing a stairwell leading down. They both gulped. Even though they were 13 they still had a childish fear of the basement. Richie quickly went down the stairs, y/n following closely behind. Since it was dark and y/n was basically sprinting down the stairs, she accidentally tripped, nearly toppling over. That was until Richie quickly gripped waist and her arm tight before she'd fall and hurt herself.

"You ok?" asked Richie with a worried expression on his face.

"yeah" y/n responded feeling a bit flustered. When y/n was in a more secure standing position Richie let go and continued down the stairs. Y/n just standing there still in shock about the way Richie had just held her.

"you coming?" asked Richie already down.

"y-yeah" replied y/n coming out of her trance.

When they finally made their way back up to the living room they set the fairy lights up, and got some snacks from the pantry, filling them into bowls. Y/n made sure that Richie wouldn't eat them, smacking his hand lightly anytime he made a move towards the chip bowl.

After an hour of going around the house and setting it up, you guys sat on the sofa and put on a movie. It was a bit awkward at first, not being used to silence and all but then you got over it. It was only after the first hour of the movie where people started knocking on your door. You quickly turned off the tv, and headed to the door.  A group of at least 20 people from your grade started piling in, already blasting their music on their radio.

2 hours later ----

It was nearing midnight, you the losers and some other people from the grade were in your bedroom while other people were downstairs, quite a few people had already started leaving as it was circulating midnight and their parents had set curfews for them to follow. You were sitting on your bed reading a magazine which was quite boring when Richie recommended to play a game of spin the bottle which you hesitantly agreed upon.

"Who spins first" asked Stanley.

"I should since I asked to play" said Richie. We all agreed upon that.

Richie spun the bottle, secretly hoping it would land on you. It circulated around the room, landing in between you and Stan. Knowing the rules, Richie had to pick between you and Richie.

"um, I pick y/n" he said blushing.

You just sat there in shock, you both stood up. Everything around you disappeared, your whole focus was on the kid with dark hair and big glasses in front of you. Instead of Richie leaning in first it was you. Your lips fell on his. The kiss that you hadn't wanted to happen for 4 years was happening. He wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer, your lips softening up to his, moving in sync. The kiss lasted about 10 seconds when you both pulled away at the same time. You stared at each other both of your cheeks burning red. Everyone stared at the both of you, their jaws and eyes wide in surprise. 

"Y-y-you g-guys p-practice this or s-something" said Bill in shock.

"No" you both said in unison.

Skip to after the party ----

Everyone had left, except Richie. Leaving the both of you alone, it couldn't get any more awkward. You were sitting next to each other on your bed with your legs crossed.  You were about to say something to break the silence when Richie cut you off.

"Y/n I like like you, I have since that day in 3rd grade when you grazed your cheek" he says looking at your e/c eyes.

"wait really, you're not going to believe me, but - that's when I also started liking you" you said looking back at him. This time he was the one who leaned in to kiss you. You wrapped your arm around his neck kissing him back, your lips moving in sync with his, you had that same feeling again where it was just the two of you in the whole world. You wanted that feeling to last forever.

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