Let me help you - Eddie Kaspbrak

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 Y/n's pov:

It was the end of summer, finally. I was heading out the school door when I heard a familiar voice call my name.

"y/n, you and me, tomorrow night?" said Henry Bowers, the school bully. 

"Sorry Henry, I don't think so" I replied, not wanting to be anywhere near that boy. I walked down the stairs quickly, hoping he wouldn't follow. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Come on babe, why not?" he said getting angry. 

"I'm not your babe" you said removing his dirty hand from your shoulder. You heard a honk and recognized it as your brother Steve's car. 

"You're lucky your brother's here before things got messy" said Henry taking a close step to you.

I sighed and opened the door to my brother's car. 

"Does that Henry kid bother you" asked my brother with a stern face.

"yeah, all the time, he asked me on a date today and when I rejected him he started getting mad and said things would've gone bad if you weren't here, so thanks" I confessed not really caring if I sounded like a snitch. 

"That mother fucker, tell you what, he does so much as lay a finger on you, you tell me and I kick that boys ass" said Steve getting angry.

"Trust me Steve, I wouldn't hesitate to tell you" I respond.

Time skip to next day---- 

I was sitting on a park bench reading peacefully, when I saw Henry and his goons approach me. Oh shit. I quickly got out of the bench and headed to a crowded area, so Henry wouldn't dare hurt me. He was faster though. I felt a hand touch my shoulder, giving me shivers down my spine.

"So we meet again y/n" said Henry smirking at me, his hand gripping my shoulder tight. He dragged me to a near by bridge, he found a pocket knife from his pocket it and clicked it to reveal a sharp knife.

"Next time you think about rejecting me, remember the tip of this blade on your skin" he said whilst lifting up my shirt and cutting a 'H' on my skin. 

"Henry" one of his goons said

"WHAT!" replied Henry looking back.

I took the opportunity and ran off, I could already hear Henry and his goons running after me. Even though I had a big cut on my waist, I was running purely of adrenalin. When I thought I lost them I found a rock right next to the sewers, to sit on. I couldn't help but cry, I wish Steve were here. I thought to myself. After sitting there for a few minutes I could see a group of boys, who I recognized from my grade. Out of the 4 of them I recognized, Bill and Richie. The other two boys were unfamiliar. I couldn't help but notice that the smaller one with dark hair was kinda cute. I hid in the bushes hoping they wouldn't see me crying and all bloody, I can only imagined what I looked like, besides I didn't want the impression I had on a group of boys my age being a bad one. Moving to the bench made a big rustling noise.

"What the fuck was that" I heard the cute kid say.

"I d-don't know E-e-die"said Bill looking around.

I came out of the bush, and revealed myself. Everyone stared at me looking shocked.

"oh my god" said Eddie "what the hell happened to you" he asked. I blushed at the sudden attention on me.

"It was the mother fucker Henry wasn't it?" asked Richie.

I looked down and nodded. I could feel blood dripping down my waist.

"Y-you're w-waist" said Bill

"oh no, let me help you" said Eddie about lift my shirt, just before he was about to do that he blushed realising what doing that would look like.

"Can I um see the cut?" he asked me.

"yeah its ok" I said flinching when he lifted up the shirt.

"That doesn't look good" he said looking directly at me.

"Guys I think we should head to the pharmacy" said Stan observing from afar.

I walk next to Eddie grabbing his arm for support as we walked up the hill. The whole way everyone was in silence. When we reached the pharmacy, Eddie immediately ran off to find the correct equipment to help you. After you payed for the equipment, everyone walked out. Eddie helped you, whilst Richie kept on telling him to suck the wound. When he was done, you thanked everyone, you realised you hadn't introduced yourself.

"Um y/n" you said.

"I'm Richie but you can call me anytime" he said smirking. Real smooth, you thought to yourself. You saw Eddie elbow him in the ribs.

"I'm Stan" said the boy with curly hair.

"B-bill" he said, but you already knew that.

"Eddie" said the cute boy smiling at you.

"We're going to the quarry tomorrow, would you like to join us?" Eddie asked softly. You blushed a bit, surprised by the sudden invitation to hang out with a group of boys. You walked off your separate ways when you saw Eddie walk in your direction.

"oh hey Eddie" you said smiling at him

"hey, I just figured you probably would need help getting home" he said looking down blushing.

"Thanks Eds" you said gripping his arm tight. You tried not to look at him, but from the corner of your eye you could see him smiling to himself. When you reached your door step, you stood there for a second still grabbing Eddies' arm. You hugged him and he carefully hugged you back, trying not to hurt you.

"Thank you Eddie" I said pulling away from the hug.

"Anytime" I heard him said as I entered my house. I smiled as I closed the door behind me and walked up to my room.

I think I have a crush 

Sorry I know this is rly bad lmao, I hope you enjoy it though :)

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