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"It won't take me that long I promise,I'll be back before you even realize I'm gone."

Carnival's pov
Ricky hasn't called me in days,and he promised me he'd call me the minute he landed in South America.for days I patiently waited,my patience eventually grew to worrying and fear.i paced around our apartment,trying to calm myself down.i exhaled and leaned against the wall of our room,I slid down and sat on the floor.i curled up into a ball and buried my face into my knees,"what if something horrible happened to him?what if he was kidnapped,or worse:murdered?!"so many bad thoughts were in my head.i sniffed and wiped my tears,"I'm getting Ricky back home,and Ernie too."I thought as I stood up confidently.then I groaned:Ernie was in charge of coming with Ricky while I stayed here,and he's already done a horrible job.

I immediately got up and opened the closet Ricky and I share,I pulled out my backpack from the top shelf and began to pack some clothes as well as some necessities.after packing everything I needed I grabbed my fanny pack and packed it with stuff I needed,i then clipped it onto my waist and looked at myself confidently in the mirror."I'm ready."I thought,I grabbed my backpack and left the apartment.after I locked the door I put the key in my fanny pack,I zipped it shut and went to the elevator.once I got down to the first floor I left the apartment building and began to try to signal for a taxi,one actually stopped for me.i got in and asked him nicely to take me to the airport as quick as he could,I paid him in advance.

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