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Carnival's pov
I dug into one of my pockets and took out a photo of me and Ricky,it was when we went to the fair for one of our dates.I went around and showed people the photo,hoping(and praying)that they would know where he is.some people didn't now,but luckily some people did know!they said that he and Ernie went to this amusement park with an activist named Julie,I knew I had to search there.i found a nearby motel and booked a room,I got changed into some new clothes and began to put some necessities into my fanny pack.i was going to walk to the amusement park,but then I realized how far it was.so,I knew that I needed to rent a car.as I got in my rented car I suddenly felt nervous again,but then I remembered what Ricky taught me and calmed down a bit.

As I drove to the amusement park I suddenly had a bad feeling,I was getting bad vibes from this road and it was making me lose my concentration.eventually though,I made it to the amusement park.i parked the car somewhere and hid it Incase I needed to go back to it,I walked towards the entrance of The amusement park."this place looks really weird."I thought as I looked around,there were tents and weird rides everywhere.

"Hey!what are you doing out and about freak?!"

I quickly turned around and saw a man,he must be in charge of the park!instead of asking him where Ricky and Ernie were I instead began to run,"come back here!"he yelled as I continued to run.i then noticed an outhouse,"maybe I can hide in there!"I thought.i ran towards it,quickly opened the door,only to see that it was huge inside!i shook my head,I quickly got in and slammed the door shut.i panted as I leaned against it,I turned around and slid down.i sat down and held my knees together,curling up into a ball position.i began to cry,"this is hopeless!I'll never find them!I-I should've gone with them,this is all my fault!"I sobbed.


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