✏❛school tips༉‧₊˚✧

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• Pay attention in class, don't sit and talk or do your own thing. Pay attention to the bored and what your teacher is saying. Take notes too.

• Don't sit near your friend in class, they would be apart of the reason you aren't paying attention or getting good grades. If you are assigned next to them in a class, avoid talking to them or joking around with them.

• Study during lunch, try to go to a quiet class and study while eating lunch. Be sure to ask a teacher after class if you can study in his/her/they/their room. You could even go to the computer room or the school library.

• Do your missing or late work during freetime. Lunchtime would work too if you're not studying. Though I highly suggest you actually turn in your work on time.

• Carry around only a few things for class, it'll be easier than carrying around everything. I like to carry around my pencil bag, two notebooks, a folder and my waterbottle. Don't carry around every utensil or notebook around. You won't need it all.

• Snack around break and the hall, don't eat in class. It saves you from getting in trouble. Trust me, eating in class would get you in trouble. Unless you're lucky enough where in one class, you can eat.

• Keep your phone in your bookbag, don't carry it in class or on you. You'll either lose it or you'll get distracted. Trust me, just keep it in your bag so you don't get in trouble or lose it.

• When studying after school, you should cut it into segments. You should study for either 30 minutes - an hour. Then take a 10 - 20 minute break. I like to do my chores and eat a snack when taking my breaks.

• Sleep! You need it. Don't stay up late or all night studying or doing whatever. I go to bed at 9:00 p.m and wake up at 5:45 a.m. The latest I'd stay up for studying is 9:30 - 10:00 p.m.

• Eat breakfast and lunch, you need it. When you wake up, you're hungry. So you'll need energy in order to focus in class. If you aren't hungry until a little later normally, bring a smack to school. Same to go with lunch. Preferably, eat breakfast and lunch, you'll have more food in your stomach and energy.

• Avoid getting in drama or starting drama, it isn't necessary and you'll just end up not liked, in trouble or you'll end up failing your grades.

• School before fools. Grades before boys. You know what I mean. I'm not saying you can't have boyfriend, because I do too. Don't get yourself wrapped around him over school though.

• Use a blue pen instead of a black pen. It's known to enhance your memory and help you remember things.

• Have an emergency kit in your backpack. Just in case you need these things. I have a chapter written on the things you'll need in there. Feel free to add other things you need.

• Read for 15 minutes or more everyday. It helps with more vocabulary and it's good for you. It also helps out with finding interesting books for you to read.

• Think more, talk less.

• Don't be afraid to ask the teacher for help. It shouldn't be embarrassing to ask for help to understand something.

• Chew gum in class ( you can have mints too) but be careful with your teachers. I don't want you to get in trouble. I tend to use mints more than gum but sometimes I get away with having gum without one of the teachers noticing.

• Don't argue with the teacher. It won't end well and trust me.

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