The Interview

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Tony paced the marble floors of his mansion, his mind racing with a billion ideas with and one to share them with. His day had been rather uneventful thus far. He had lost to JARVIS at chess, updated the new mark of his suit, fixed a few bugs in the security program he was developing, and scoured through stacks of interviews-- most of which were from crazed fans who were no real use to him. He had a meeting with one of the more, er, unusual applicants after lunch.

Tony strutted down the hallways, running his hand along the wall as he walked. He had lunch with the famous War Machine, or his best friend, Rhodey. He liked to meet up with James every once in a while, maybe just because he was interacting with another human being. It's wasn't like he never saw or talked to people, not at all. That was basically his whole career. He just didn't have real friendships or relationships on a daily level now that Pepper was off managing her own part of the company.

He checked his watch for the time, heading to the elevator. He was forced to listen to If You Like Pina Coladas for 23 stories in awkward silence. The exit doors swung open and cameras flashed as he left the building, never being one to hide from the spotlight. He posed for a second before hopping into the back seat of the limo that was parked and waiting for him. He scrolled through dozens of other celebrities feeds over a variety of social media sites, and when he got bored with that, read articles about the missing fugitive heroes that escaped from the high scale prison facility. His old friends.

Tony's mind wandered to the events of the 'Civil War', as the media called it. All the people that he had considered to be more than allies, friends, had chosen to face off against him. Even Romanoff had betrayed him in the end. He still had Rhodey and the kid, though.

Peter! He hadn't even thought about contacting him in weeks. It would be good for the both of them. Besides, he needed to update the Spider Suit anyways.

The limo rolled up on the mostly low-key diner, and Tony tipped the driver generously. Tony waltzed in and sat at the small, two-seater booth across from his war hero best friend, James Rhodes. They ordered their food respectively, as Tony playfully flirted with the waitress as usual, and began to get down to business.

"Have you found a new assistant yet? You were still looking for one the last time we talked. Or are you just picky? No one with all the skills and features you want?"

"Geez, I'm not looking for a car, Rhodes. Just someone to help me with paperwork."

"Ya, well, I read your help wanted application. 'Applicant must have basic to advanced combat skills' ? Really?" James took a bite of his pancake.

"Oh, shut it. I'm really hoping there won't be any combat at all. I've had to buy, like, three pianos already."

"Pianos are your biggest concern? Didn't your whole pad in Malibu explode that one time? Like missiles were fired at you after you announced your location to a warlord."

"I can't help it if everyone just wants to shoot their shot at me." Tony smirked and finished off the last of his coffee.

Rhodey scoffed and shook his head. "Back to what we were saying. Assistants. Any new nut jobs wander in?"

Tony recounted the story of a young girl he had interviewed the previous week. She had claimed that she was sent to him from God, and he was required to hire her. He encountered people like her on a daily basis.

"I'm actually headed to an interview after this. Interesting profile, so naturally I have to interview him."

"Oh really? What's so interesting about it?" Rhodey asked, packing the remainders of his food in a to-go bag.

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