A Hero's Job

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A/N from the future- i ended up just keeping Jazmine and Percy friends sooo... don't mind my nonsense. take the chapter w a grain of salt and chalk it up to a confused Percy. thx, love u <3

A/N- I have a the rest of this story mapped out pretty much to a T. From here on out its just a matter of you guys have the patience to stick around until I write it. I can basically only write on Sundays, so that's when I'll most likely update. End Game will commence in like 2-3 chapters depending on how much I can cram into a single chapter. Without further adieu, Chapter 13 💙

It had been 8 months since the wedding, and so much had happened. Pepper was very pregnant, and Tony was very nervous about becoming a father. Thor had chopped Thanos's head off a while back, the hero Riptide had gained fame for rescuing a young couple from a monster which hailed a striking resemblance to the greek monster, Minotaur, and everyone was striving to find a sense of normality after the Blip. The Blip is what the media had begun to call it anyways-- though Percy always found it a kind of pathetic and contrived word to describe the mass vanishing of billions.

He had had a really bad, unexplainable depressive episode after the wedding. His entire body felt like it was made of sand and there was absolutely no point to leaving his bed. He couldn't save anyone anyways, right? Tony hadn't been there to talk to him, being on his honeymoon and all, so Percy just got worse. He couldn't stop thinking about Annabeth. He wasn't there for her, and he had been so weak as to let Thanos get to him. He only smiled bitterly when he had heard that Thanos had been killed, but it didn't make him feel better like he thought it would.

So for about a month his days consisted of monotonous, grey work, walking Luke, and laying in bed with the curtains shut and the lights off for days at a time. Eating and showering had become a chore. Purple bags rested immovably beneath his eyes. He had to bequeath  Estelle to the care of Chiron and Camp for a short time because he didn't think he could take care of her at 100 percent. That was the worst part of it.

Then one day, out of the blue, he received a message from Jazmine. He had pretty much forgotten about her. They had exchanged a few words over text a few days after the wedding, but nothing much after that. (It had been maybe a month since then, according to Percy's memory.) He tentatively read the message. It was an invitation to attend an event on Montauk, a fundraiser where her organization sold jewelry made from recycled plastic cleaned from the shores. All the proceeds went back into funds to keep cleaning the beach in a healthy cycle. It was at 4 pm, giving Percy 4 hours to get ready and get there. 

Percy did not want to go. He wanted to roll back over and try to sleep some more. He wanted to close his eyes and pray to never open them again. But there was this pesky little voice that whispered in his ears saying: "Get up Seaweed Brain. Time to go." He begrudgingly slid from his bedsheets, took a shower, combed his hair for the first time in a week.

It had turned out to be a very therapeutic event. After a couple hours of selling to people at the convention, Percy wandered down to the water with Jazmine. They sat with their feet in the water, so that when waves lapped up onto the shore, they raced over Percy and Jazmine's torso's and hands behind them. The sun was setting, and Percy was beginning to loosen up. He and Jazmine talked for at least an hour that night, about the Blip, climate change, surfing, loss, and that was the night Percy gained a new friend.

It took weeks for him to become himself again, but it was a step in the right direction.  He went to camp in the following month, and took Estelle back home with him. He was determined to keep his head on straight this time. By month 6, he dubbed himself mentally stable once again.

Percy had also begun to make many much needed friends. He met most of them at the charity events that he was now attending regularly. The first person he befriended was this gentleman that Percy could've sworn he saw on a Twilight poster. His name was William, black hair, pallid skin, and suspiciously pointy canine teeth. William had a passion for dolphins, the downfall of Sea World, and uncovering Riptide's true identity (tough luck on that one, buddy). He worked with Jazmine often. The next pair was this couple who ran a booth at a few of the conventions, Serena and Lisi. Serena had freckles covering every inch of her face, green glasses, and a different hair color every time he saw her. She could be quite loud sometimes, but had a heart of gold. Reminded Percy of Rachel. Lisi had dark, wavy hair, tanned skin, and wore boots no matter the weather or setting. She was obsessed with Pixar movies and chocolate covered almonds. They watched Finding Nemo together often.

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