Meeting Everyone Pt 1

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It was now night and yn was lying in a hospital bed. Todoroki and Deku were sitting next to her. They had told Mr Aizawa everything because he was concerned of why there werent at U.A . He decided to come to the hospital too because from the way that Deku and Todoroki had described her, she sounded familiar to him. Yn was suffering from a mass amount of blood loss and she was unconcious. As she lay asleep in the hospital bed, Mr Aizawa opens the door to come in. As soon as he looks at yn, he immediatly recognizes her. YN IS AIZAWAS DAUGHTER. He runs over to her with tears in his eyes and hugs yn softly. "I cant believe its you, I thought I'd never see you again". Aizawa says crying. Yn slowly wakes up and realizes who it is. Shes starts crying really hard because she is so happy to see her dad again. "I missed you too." she says crying. Aizawa hugs yn tighter and so does she. Deku and Todoroki just sit looking confused. "This is my daughter, Yn." Aizawa explains to them. He turns back to yn and asks what happened. She explained that Dabi and Toga were torturing her to death. They were cutting her and giving her bruises everywhere. They kidnapped her a couple of weeks ago and made her serve as a slave for them. One day she disobeyed their commands and they punished her by torturing her to death. Aizawa was so upset to hear what had happened to his daughter. She had already been through enough.

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