The Baby

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A few months had passed since Yn and Deku did ✨it✨. She started to feel sick one day. She let it slide. But the next day you felt worse. You went past a few days and starting getting worse and worse. You didnt really care but one day you were sitting in class and all of a sudden you threw up in front of everyone. Everyone got up and checked to see if you were ok. You sat there and tried to get up to the toilets since you were going throw up again but you were too late. You threw up again and fell to the ground. You woke up in recovery girls office. She had taken care of you for at least half an hour. You tried to sit up but recovery girl sat you back down. "I wouldnt do that if I were you." She said. "W-wheres Deku." You said worriedly. "Hes fine dear, dont worry, just try and rest." You tried to calm down. "What happened?" You asked. "Well apparently you threw up, twice and then you passed out. But dont worry, its all been taken care of." You sat there wondering why you felt so sick still. "Oh by the way, I did some tests and the results say youre pregnant." You sat there confused for a second. "I-im sorry WHAT." You yelled. "I know its alot to take in but its true." "Theres two ways we can do this. Give birth or an abortion." It was hard to decide since you werent ready to be a mum but you also didnt mind the thought of being a mother. "Ill give birth." "Wonderful." Said Recovery Girl. "Ill send Midoriya in at once." A few seconds later Deku came through the door and held both your hands with tears in his eyes. "I got told the news, are you ok?" he asked. "Im fine." you said. Deku didnt know if he was ready to be a father and you didnt know if you were ready to be a mother but you were determined to be a better mother than yours.

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