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Yn is sitting on her bed. Deku walks in and asks "Are you ok." "Um yeah. Sorry if i woke you." Yn says. "Uh no, thats ok. I couldnt sleep anyway." Deku replies. Yn is kinda confused because she couldnt sleep either. She wondered if Deku couldnt sleep because of the same reason as her. Maybe they were both worried about each other. Deku than says "You know I was really worried about you, especially after what happened before." "Yeah, by the way, im sorry about before." Yn says. "I just.. I wanted to tell you but I wasnt ready yet." Deku hugs yn and says "Its ok if youre not ready." Yn blushes and takes a deep breathe.

TW: This part contains a story about yn getting raped so plz beware. If you are uncomfortable plz feel free to skip this part. Thx😊

Yn sits down on the bed and begins to tell Deku what happened. She starts off. "The reason I ran out was because I got horrible flashbacks about my past. One day I was walking down the street and i could see my friend waving at me. Only I thought it was my friend. I was walking with her for about five minutes and then she starting melting. I then realised it wasnt my friend. It was Toga. She dragged me into an alleyway and standing there was Dabi and Twice. Dabi took my arm and dragged me to their hideout and started to tie me down to the bed". Yn started shaking at the flashbacks and started to gag from the memories. Deku moved closer to yn and hugged her. Yn took a deep breathe and continued on with the story. "He started to take my clothes off and touch me." Yn started to cry while she was talking. Deku hugged her tighther. "He started to fuck me without my consent." Deku was shocked since he had never heard yn swear before but he knew she didnt care right now. "Afterwards he just threw me out into the street in the rain. I couldnt go to anyone because i didnt trust anyone but my dad and i didnt know where he was." Yn said. "Im so sorry yn, I wish i couldve stopped him." Deku said. "Its ok, you already stopped him once when they were torturing me." Yn said. Deku asked yn "Yn, is it ok if i kiss you?" He blushed really hard. So did yn. "Um, sure." Deku went close to Yns face and kissed her deeply. He then held her face and yn put her arms around Dekus neck.

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