Chapter 1

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I couldn't listen to another fight between my sister and the rest of the family, so I went out. No, cross that. The fight was between my sis and mother because those two were the only one speaking. The rest of them silently stood behind my mother supporting her and taking her side.

I felt sorry for Amanda and for a second I wanted to help her but that thought quickly vanished. She was nineteen. In some countries that was old enough and legal enough to vote. If she could write that book and publish it without anyone knowing, she should also stand for herself. Too bad she didn't know how.

I haven't read the book but I was sure my sister was very talented. I was really proud but would never say that to her. The book was selling like crazy and I could hear young girls and even some woman talking nonstop about it. Luckily when I took them to bed all talk stopped or theme changed.

But that wasn't enough. I always hear them. Every little thought, and I never liked what I heard. That Is the reason I chose to be a surgeon. When my patients were asleep they didn't think. But I would always be surrounded with other surgeons and nurses.

Why I didn't choose something more isolated? The thing was, I didn't want to be alone. Despite everything, being all by myself didn't really work for me.

I didn't always hear other people's thoughts. It all started after the accident. I was 15 and stupid and had motorcycle. Amanda didn't go to the hospital after that. Not even when her friend had appendectomy. Not even to visit mother when she worked long hours or double shifts. The strange thing was I could hear everybody thinking, dreaming but not her. And not father. It was probably some genetic thing so I let it go.

And even with my crazy mind I chose to be a doctor. Just like everybody else in the family. Mother was cardiovascular surgeon. Grandfather pediatrician. My grandma was midwife. And even father worked as psychologist . But no, she had to be different. She had to write. And vampire novels to be precise. It was a miracle a mother didn't have a heart attack. That would be irony actually.

I passed the tennis courts. Wimbledon was long finished. Thank god. Every time I passed it I had a small stroke I swear. Crowd was bad, so bad. Players were the worst. Their minds worked so fast. I would be impressed if I wasn't having a migraine because of them.

My condition was becoming worse. When somebody sucked me in their thoughts it was difficult to come back and think straight. To think and have just me in my head.

I needed sex. These few moments of repetitive movements would clear my head. Just for the little while. Just enough to stay sane. And then the chaos began again.


Never in my life have I felt such rage. Such pain. How could they think so low of me? And for what?

I always thought I was smarter than my brother. But I was clearly so very wrong. He just walked out and that was it. Problem solved. I just expected him to support me. But noooo. He left me to fend for myself. And I failed. Miserably. So I left as well. In the middle of my mother's sentence, in which she was so disappointed. Like I started World War Three. No this was worse for her.

I didn't want to be a doctor. That was it. I was the black sheep in the family. But it was ok for me. It was who I really am. It didn't matter that Damon was kind of insane, or plastic surgeon. He was surgeon. Full stop.

I still wanted to go to college. Still wanted to study. Just not what they wanted. They didn't even realize I would suck at it. I wasn't very good with my hands. Never.

It was so warm outside for September. I didn't helped that I was almost running. I didn't know where I was going till I saw it. The closest bookshop, just few blocks from my home.

And there it was. My book. Wrapped in gold and blue. 384 pages of romance, adventure and vampires. It was awesome. And it was all mine. I was proud. I had every right to be. And they wanted to take it all from me.

I wanted to be happy for its success. It took me ages to finally show it to someone. And when I got letter from that publisher... The rest is history. It was freaking bestseller.

I should have just kept quiet. Then I wouldn't have to deal with them. With their looks and judgment. So why haven't I?

Because you are an idiot. Said my mind. Or it was out loud. Either way, I agreed 100%

So I just stood there, watching it, but not really seeing, because my mind was far away.

I didn't even see a very tall man standing right behind me.

*I know it is short but the real stuff is coming.

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until next time, xxx

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