Chapter 4

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I came back home running faster than I should, but I didn't care a bit.

"Why are you smiling like that?", Will asked me. Wait, let me guess, you found an autor and... he imitated decapitation.

Very funny brother, very funny, I sad while taking blood out of fridge. I didn't like that thought. Hurting her.

"I maybe met her. Actually I am sure it is her. Amanda Ashley Smith."

"Speaking her name with so much admiration", he sat at the kitchen counter. "Why is that? Was the book so good, or did the Mrs. Smith put you under her spell?"

"Both", I admitted. "And it's definitely Miss. I am sure she is not married."

"How? Did you used your charms and took her to bed to spill the beans?" He laughed.

"No. she lives with her mother, as far as I know."

"So, she is young lass". He suddenly smiled wickedly. "I. Can't. Believe. It. You like her. That's the reason for stupid smile."

"Don't be ridiculous", I took a sip from he cup. "Yes, she is young. Too young even for them. "

"But you like her anyway." It wasn't the question, but statement.

"Stop it William. She is attractive in a way, but she is a child."

"If she isn't sixteen, she is not. In our time it was time for a woman to get married and have children."

"I hope you are joking."

"I am, relax. I know she is a baby from our point of view, but aren't they all. it didn't stop you from sleeping with women before."

"I wasn't this old before", I admitted.

"Irrelevant. You are lying to me Sebastian, I don't have to be mother to know that. You lie so bad that you are in the league with Emily . it is strange that you didn't tell someone our secret yet. If mother want so good I would wonder whether I was adopted."

I gave him the look to stop talking nonsense.

"Ok, so, did you actually find something? Does she know anything or you have just been paranoid as ever?"

"We barely spoke. When I met her she was angry at something, my guess is her mother and was almost crying..."

"Did you made her cry?" he rose one eyebrow, a talent I could have never mastered.

"No, of course not", I started to explain, "I am not some damn scary interrogator."

"You can be when you want." He added.

"But not now. She is just a girl."

"A girl you like."

"Stop it. I am serious."

"Fine, what now?"

"I don't know Will", I let my head fall into my hands to support it. "I don't know what to do if I find out she knows something. She is not a hunter, I am sure. "

"I think it is a better question what are you going to do if she doesn't know." Will said, suddenly very serious.

"What do you mean by that?"

My brother just shook his head. "Sometimes you act so young brother."

"Let's see, what do you know about her", he went to the coffee table to get his laptop.

"Just her name, you want to google her?"

'Of course, it is all here."

"I hope we are not there", I murmured.

"Of course you are, you are a famous jumper, don't be stupid." Here it is, he announced, she is nineteen, finished high school, accepted into Oxford. General medicine. Wow. Father, Roland Smith, 47, physiatrist, mother Susan Morel Smith cardiovascular surgeon. Ok, that is one medical orientated family. And guess what, brother, Damon Michael Smith, specializing in plastics." 

"I don't care about her family. I want to know more about her, her interests, what she likes..."

"And you say you don't want to date her, you must not hear yourself. Do you also want her blood type? I can get her medical chart."

'Don't even joke about that."

But he did it anyway. "Here it is, O positive, your favorite."


"Don't look at me so angry, this is public record. What you actually want to know, you have to find yourself."

"What do you mean?"

 "You have to be close to her for that. Or follow her like a creep."

"What do you mean?" ok, I was officially a parrot.

"You know, be her friend. When is the last time you actually had a conversation with somebody outside your family or coach?"

"I talk to other people all the time", I defended myself. "Just not recently. And I don't want to be close to someone who has an expiration date. It sounds terrible I know, but..."

"I know, Seb, I know." He understood me completely when it came to this. William had no social life as well. "Listen, you don't have to do as I say, just take my advice, find her and ask her. I know you are smart enough to find subtle way to do that. Just hurry, because she is leaving."

Where? I asked in panic.

"To oxford, you fool. Do you ever listen to me? No, don't answer that. I just hope something will wake you from this dream world you created. There is real life out there. There is no reason not to live it."

I knew he was right. I just was so sad that he will never take his own advice.


The rest of the week before college I spent at home. My best friend Kelly was at her farm with her parents and I missed her. I wanted to speak with her but I couldn't tell her everything on the phone. She will be so mad about the book. She was not a fan, but she read it anyway.

Most of all I wanted to tell her about Sebastian. He occupied my mind so much these days. Like somebody put a spell on me. Meeting him was just too much. I couldn't believe I didn't recognize him at first. I was probably too angry to think. He was tall, skinny, but not too skinny; I always thought that his physique was different than other jumpers. He was handsome, but not model pretty. I knew I was never going to meet him again. It would be too much coincidence.

What I didn't know is how wrong I was.

My brother drove me to campus. He spent there five years so he knew it well.

He didn't ask me anything about the book. He talked about classes and after that we just listened to music. Fans of rock like we were, we even san few song so loud that my troth hurt. We were horrible singers. But it was worth it.  We didn't have connection lately. He lived a life I didn't approve of. But I newer judged him. He was my brother. I just wanted better for him than meaningless relationships and alcohol.

I always wanted to be more like him when we were younger. He had it all: looks, height, and confidence. I had it all, just in smaller proportions. He knew what he wanted to do in life, at least with his career. I knew too, I just didn't know how to fight for it. I was a coward.

"Every year they change your roommate. You never know with who you will end up", he said opening the trunk to get things out.

I knew where he'll end up. In some freshman's bed.

And then I saw him. Leaning against the tree; he was far but I recognized him anywhere after our meeting.

I had an impression that he was looking my way but he was far so I could not see his eyes clearly.  Eyes colored blue. So blue.

I heard noise and I saw Damon picking things from the box he dropped. When I looked again he was gone.

Was I imagining him? I wasn't he was probably escorting someone here, sister, girlfriend, brother, friend. I didn't like second option. And I knew in that moment I was hooked for a man I didn't even know, who was so out of reach and who I knew was not going out of my head soon. 

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