I Told You I'd Come

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Beware there are some foul words used in here. If you don't like it don't read it.

"You're doing what!" My sister exclaimed making her shot go wild and miss the target,"Why? I thought you hated him."

"Me too." I answered throwing my knife so it hit bullseye.

Erin mumbled a few choice words and aimed her gun again, this time hitting the center of the target,"What changed your mind? The eyes? The cheekbones? The cheekbones got me."

I turned to glare at my sister who was smirking at me,"I'm just fucking with you!"

"He's just so real with me. Not just with me as Shadow, but me as me!" I don't know why I'm feeling like this. And for that I hated Chase. I hated the way he smiled from his eyes, and the way when he looked at you his blue eyes sparkled like the glistening ocean water, and the way when anyone else teased you he would just laugh along instead of jump to my protection.

I slapped my self in the head for thinking this way, everyday. Chase didn't deserve me- as me or Shadow. He was too sweet and innocent to be riled up into my world.

"He invited me. It's not like u could say no!" I told Erin. Tonight was Chase's football game and he had told me he wanted me to be there. The thing was tonight I heard news that there was going to be some gangs going out to beat any rich guys they found on the street, or vandalize some poor persons house. And I couldn't let that happen.

"Yes. Yes you could have said no. You're not going." Erin argued.

"We'll see."


I watched from the corner of the bleachers, the hood underneath my leather jacket, pulled up to cover shadow my mask.

The ball fell into his hands and he ran all the way to the touchdown line without being touched. Damn he was fast. He threw the ball down proud of his work. A smile creeper up on my face.

The half time buzzer buzzed and all the players made their way to the benches to have a pep talk with the coaches. But Chase caught sight of me and said something to the coach keeping his eyes on me.

I sunk back into the shadows hoping he wouldn't come over her. No such luck.

"Hey." Chase said taking his helmet off. Sweat gleamed on his face and pasted his hair to the sides of his head,"How did you know I had a game..." his voice drifted off.

I shrugged,"I know everything." A smirk played on his lips,"Good job by the way."

"You saw that? NFL worthy right," he teased.

I looked down on the ground,and got close enough to wrap my arms around Chase. I didn't though. Instead I whispered on his ear,"You looked hot while you played too."

I smirked and walked away only to have my arm pulled back and twirled into Chase. He looked through the hokes in my mask and deep onto my eyes before slowly kissing me.

"Cooper!"the coach called,"Get over here!" Chase looked back and I took that as my time to slip out of his strong arms and away. Back into the shadows.

"Wait!"he called after me. But I was too far gone to be seen.


Lala lala lala! !!

Tee hee. Like it? No? Tell me bro! !!

Sorry for the short chapter but I just really wanted to get this out. I'll make the next one longer.
I'm going away tomorrow so I might not post for a while. Maybe. If I do then u r lucky. I'm no time going to pay for no frigging WiFi!


Love y'all!

Xoxo, me!

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