Episode 6

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Your POV

I woke up to see lady Diane and meliodas fighting and Elizabeth protecting a kid so I went to help her " (y/n) your alright" Elizabeth said "AHH help" the kid screamed there were so many bugs surrounding him and I went in there " you ok your not hurt are you" you ask the kid " so you'd risk your like to save a poor boy like this one" the kid saidthen he started growing into a knight " however reality can be rather cruel" he said " that holy knight was the boy we were victims of illusions" hawk said " you did this you're responsible for meliodas behaviour aren't you" I said " haha the seven deadly sins are nothing more then little play things to me" he said " turn them both back to normal now" I said then he grabbed my shirt

( let's just say there's a rumour about you that if someone grabs your hair in a way you don't like.... Something happens to them)

then he kicked me in the stomach " you bartered" hawk screamed " as we speak the two sins are fighting and will kill each other in a moment" he said " I said turn them BACK TO NORMAL" I screamed I him then he hit me with his staff thing over the head " oh NO PLEASE (y/n)" hawk screamed 'come on just hold on a little longer body I just need to find out what he's doing to them... THATS IT' I thought as I toke the thing on his staff before falling out the ground" wait a minute isn't killing her a bad idea for more reasons the one" a female knight said I think " of course I am well aware of that princess (y/n) out of respect for your bravery I will tell you something the source of the hypnotic that I placed on them is here on my staff" he said which made me smirk then uncovered my fist " you little bitch that's what you were after the hole time HOW DARE YOU" he screamed and throw a punch at me which was blocked by meliodas " not a chance your the one who's gonna pay now" meliodas said " sir meliodas your alright" Elizabeth screamed " the spells been broken" the knight said " (y/n) you were so brave just like.... Now I see how far you'll go" meliodas said then I passes out

3rd POV

"Ignoring me he who strikes first will wins" the knight said sending meliodas flying " haha the kingdom I actually felt pathetic by this insignificant child" the knight said the meliodas punched him the Diane and the female knight started fight " alright this is more like it wouldn't you agree dragon sin meliodas" the knight said " what is that guy the captain of the seven deadly sins" one of the guards said then meliodas punched the holy knight again breaking he's armour " impossible how could you have broken my armour in a single blow well done indeed" the holy knight said then he said other weird things about his body then meliodas punched Iphigenia in the stomach then he started blen " I had no choice cause you hurt someone who means everything to me" meliodas said then stepped back and let the knight fall to the ground " and that well that was your sin" meliodas said " a holy knight and with one blow it really true he most be one of the seven deadly sins" the guard said running away

Time skip

" even so I made up my mind to be there for sir meliodas and you all" Elizabeth said to Diane. Then Diane grabbed (y/n) and put her in her bag " you should be able to walk right I mean you literally did nothing so I would assume you can" Diane said walking to the prison with you in her bag and Elizabeth walking next to her " this is her without a doubt the doctors daughter" hawk said " got room n your backpack for another one" meliodas asked Diane "yup" Diane said then Diane toke the girl and put her next to you in the bag " ban" meliodas said " hey captain" meliodas said " they both look upset I got a bad feeling about this" hawk said then Diane picked up Elizabeth " your right I think you might want to get behind me and hide there" Diane said then meliodas and ban start doing there weird hand shake and hitting each other then the hole building started breaking

" what your back from the dead" hawk said then the doctor showed them the scar ' that why (y/n) was out for so long her hand most have touched him and did that.' Meliodas thought then sighed " what am I going to do with you" he muttered " what it's just like what happened with meliodas" hawk says "I'd say just take the win well we should get going" meliodas said "meliodas will you let me do something to thank you even just as simple as a meal" the doctor asked " sure" meliodas said " but cut out the poison this time" hawk said and meliodas punched in head " how's (y/n) doing Diane" meliodas asked "she's resting comfortably" she answered " that's good" meliodas said " but why is she sleeping in your room meliodas why not Elizabeth's" hawk asked " we'll ban completely toke over (y/n) s room and it's safer for (y/n) if she sleeps in my room" meliodas said " we'll You got a point there" hawk said

3rd POV
(Y/n) woke up and saw Diane staring" we found the two of them and everyone else is ok too" Diane said " thank goodness" (y/n) tell her" alright (y/n) Elizabeth time for me to Officially introduce you three this is ban he's the fox sin of greed" meliodas said " Nice to meet you" Elizabeth said then bam looked at (y/n) and his eyes widen " no way aren't you supposed to be dead" ban said in shock making everyone turn to him " what do you mean" meliodas asked " Nevermind she just looks like someone I used to know back in the day who die saving me" ban said " now that I think about it your right she does look like someone I used to now to" Diane said then her and ban look at each other "probably just a Coincidence" they both say this made (y/n) every Confused but she just probably has one of those faces 'if what there saying is true then there's a possibility that (y/n)s been reincarnating as well and that means I could loss her to since she's seems like she's always dying with them but when did ban and Diane meet (y/n) was her name even (y/n)" meliodas thought " how'd you buy clothes without any money ban" meliodas asked "I have my ways" ban said then ban got up and walked over to (y/n) " I'm (y/n) please forgive me for not Rising to greet you" (y/n) said " guess your not her.... No worries your highness were not big on Ceremonies" ban said

Time skip

Meliodas was helping (y/n) with her eating which made Elizabeth jealous " hey ali-i mean (y/n) I dont know a lot about humans and the Customs guys have and I'm not that interested however" Diane said " however?" I said " I'm ok with the idea of fighting for you though cause honestly you were pretty bad ass today and you may not be... the women I meet along time ago but you Resemble her in more ways then one" Diane said remembering Alice ( one of your past reincarnations) " WHO ME OH NO I DIDNT DO ANYTHING " I said " you've got a really strong power you know the power to move the hearts of both me and the captain " Diane said "really" I said she nodded " wow" I said looking up at the sky filled with Shooting stars.

Finished: July 24 12:32

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