Episode 23

706 24 4

" look at the monster body" king says " it gives me the creeps" Diane says " a demon" meliodas says " so they really existed then" king says " that magical power coming from that corpse matches the one I sensed from the new generation It appears to be the root of this evil" gowther said after Hendrickson started explain we're he got it from he attacked ban " if your power comes from that thing then your best bet is to walk away because I'm THE ONE WHO KILLED THAT THING" ban screams hitting Hendrickson in the head sending him for underground

" ban" king say then ban cuts its head off " ban you really killed that thing 20 years ago" king says "who killed what and when isn't important" ban says " forget that look at the size of that hole" meliodas says

Time skip

" you can't seem to flick that burger can you ban" gowther says " great at least one of us can see" ban says then king uses his power to add light "that thing of you're sure comes in handy doesn't it huh" meliodas says " a trail of blood" gowther says " who new there  was such a big cave down here" king says

Another time skip

" WATCH OUT HES GOING AFTER THE PRINCESSES DONT LET HIM NEAR THEM ESPECIALLY (Y/N)" meliodas says he tries to cut Hendrickson but the blade won't go throw then Hendrickson punches him making him hit the ground then gowther tries using his power but he comes up behind him knocking his head off then Hendrickson used some dark snow shit that started killing never one then that kill squad came and helped then you wake up along with Elizabeth " run" you say

" (y/n)" Margaret says "he's to strong and I don't want anybody else to get killed because of me please please just RUN" you say as every holy knight sends attacks at Hendrickson but it doesn't do anything  or have any effect then he slashed the knights down along with Gil then king and Diane try but again it didn't do anything then Hendrickson made this giant purple and black thing and meliodas got in front of you

" good job guys way to show him who's boss around here" ban said then Hendrickson came and fell on top of him cutting him in half " like lambs to the slaughter tour I meant I'm impressed" Hendrickson said ' I THOUGHT YOU SAID EVERYTHING WOULD BE FINE' you screamed at the voice inside you ' it will just wait on a little longer I won't let any of you die I promise' it said " sir meliodas I" Elizabeth said then meliodas fell in front of me

"Meliodas" You say "(y/n) run away" he says " I can't I won't leave you" I say then Hendrickson does the weird ball thing again to kill meliodas " no meliodas no matter what happens don't let it touch you you'll die" gilthunder says " if your gonna kill him kill me to" I say then Hendrickson sends it " meliodas" I scream " there isn't a soul alive who can save you now" Hendrickson said " you wanna bet never fear lord hawk is here" hawk says " hawk no" meliodas says

" are you out of your mind what are you doing" ban says " please don't" Elizabeth says " I'm sorry meliodas but somebody has to save you so you can save (y/n) and Elizabeth it's our only chance" hawk says " get out of the way" meliodas screams " it's to bad if I were to know this would have happened I would have eaten more just hang in there I'll save you crazy blasters" hawk said getting the attack and meliodas goes in front of me to protect me " no hawk" meliodas says getting up then Elizabeth gets up and starts crying "how how did this happen" Elizabeth says

"to think your life was spared thanks to a weak farm animal that's what I call bad luck" Hendrickson says " bad luck never" meliodas says then you get up and go to hawk " hawk please wake up just say something anything" Elizabeth said " you promised" I said getting everyone's attention " you promised me no one would die" I said

" DO SOMETHING YOU STUPID VOICE" I scream tears coming out of my eyes then i feel a great amount of power flow through my body ' release it ' the voice said then glowing light started to appear coming from Elizabeth" HAWKKKKK" but it was interrupted by a glowing white and black light coming from you and it made Elizabeth's light disappear no not disappear burn into nothing but her eyes still changed then your light healed everyone

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