Episode 10

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3rd pov

" first up will be elimination round the ref will be your truly the rules of this round are extremely simple knock the opponents out of the ring the 8 people of are still standing will move on to the finals now let the brawling begin" the small person said then everyone started fighting throwing people " I think it's about time for kids like you to leave here" a man says to meliodas and he grabs the mans sleeve and throws him " this is so boring" ban says punching everyone of comes at him kings just running around " count themselves lucky I didn't sign up for this fight" hawk said

" hey ban make sure that you pull your punches with these guys" meliodas says " yeah obviously this festival wouldn't be much fun if we killed everyone here" ban says ban then sees a shirt that looks like his and goes to beat up the guy to get it " hey captain your totally having fun here" king says " yeah right now does it really look like I'm enjoying myself"meliodas says king nods " listen king if we win this thing we get dianes sacred treasure don't you wanna see the smile on her face when we do" meliodas says which makes king go red " first place is mine" king says " alright that's the spirit" meliodas says then a girl starts beating the living hell out of people and king sees " this one girl just knocked 10 men all out of the ring at once" the red says " she's doing pretty good huh" meliodas says " it's kind of scary" ban says " hey where'd you get that jacket" meliodas asks

First match

"How'd you come up with that" king said " hold on there miss the hates fine but you'll have to take off the cloak just to be safe you aren't hiding any weapons" ref says then she takes off the cloak reviling the tavern uniform " captain that outfit" king says " yeah no doubt about it, it's my taverns uniform" meliodas says " what the that can't be Elizabeth can it" hawk says " do you think she's really that strong" king says " if that's Elizabeth then there's something weird going on here here top looks a little smaller then usual and her butts a little bigger" meliodas says " and it can't be (y/n) the outfit would fit her at all her top part is way bigger and so is her butt" ban and king say " and how do you know that" meliodas asks glaring at them " d-dont worry about it" they both say

" here we go let the finals being" ref screams then matrona starts throwing punches at him but this purple shield thing called wall starts surrounding him " hey judging by that guys power..." ban says " he's a holy knight" meliodas says matrona starts throwing more punches at the wall then it starts pushing her back and saying stuff like she should leave the ring because he want to bring everyone to there knees which pissed the girl " oh yeah that's not gonna happen" matrona says breaking the shield then punching the guys face sending him fly " the winner matrona" ref says

"Do I know you" meliodas asks then Diane punches his stomach " forget it you can be such a jerk" Diane says walking away " what did I do" meliodas says " your really an idiot captain" king says running after Diane " hey wait hold on Diane" king say making her stop "is it really you" king asks " yeah king" Diane say turning around " what in the world hapend to you how'd you become this size anyway and where's (y/n)... oh and Elizabeth" king said almost forgetting about Elizabeth " I'm here" (y/n) says Diane then moves the bow to show (y/n) squished in between dianes boobs and Elizabeth come out from her waist with something covering her

" no way is that really you princess" king says going to touch (y/n) " pervert" Diane says covering you and turning around

" a giant mushroom" meliodas says " it happened after you guys went to town the three of us were gathering ingredients for dinner in the forest and then.... I ended up having to brow Elizabeth's outfit because (y/n) was to big" Diane says " but then we didn't have any clothes to fit me because Elizabeth toke the only pair" you say " got it so that's why your in between her boobs" meliodas says

" being in your arms is a dream come true I've been jealous us (y/n) for so long now" Diane says " we're you jealous of me" Elizabeth asks " well sometimes but not as much as (y/n) she's the on the captain can't get his hands off of" Diane says "oh" Elizabeth whispered sad that she wasn't the one that meliodas touched all the time " have a look captain ready to get naughty" Diane says showing her underwear making king nose bleed " all the stuff that you do to (y/n) you can do to me" Diane says " sorry but it's not the same if your told to do it" meliodas says " aww come on why does it only have to be with her" Diane says " what am I to You anyway captain" Diane says

" what are you" meliodas says " Diane" I say " I'm small but that doesn't even matter to you I always thought my size was the problem and that's why you never treated me like the other girls" Diane says then meliodas pats her head " there there no way I could do that with a valuable comrade right hang in there" meliodas says " sure I'll try my best" Diane says 'why can't he be like that to me dianes right why does it only have to be (y/n) who gets all the special attention' Elizabeth thought " oh right I almost forgot the most important thing" Diane says " what's that" meliodas asks then Diane shoves his face in between her boobs " since where the same size now we can make baby's" Diane says " we're you listening to me at all" meliodas says then he looks and sees you in between dianes boobs covering yourself and going deeper into dianes boobs with a sad look on your face " you in here king" ban asks coming in " is he dead or something" ban asks " so how's the match been going" meliodas asks " well there's not much to talk about" ban says

3rd match

King goes fly out the ring with one slap " old farts out of the ring" ref says " that was so mean all I was trying to do was use my disaster power" king says " the last match of the finals it's bann vs meliodaff" ref screams

Finished: July 24 4:31

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