Episode 15

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3rd pov

" wow só Back then you were wearing that armour huh guess I always figured it was some giant old man in there" ban says " given your poster tone of voice, attitude as well as that scar I presume that you are ban the undead" gowther says " haha now that's the gowther I remember" ban says " he's one of the seven deadly sins to" the female knight says " and that young boy who Appears just as I remember from years ago most be..." gowther says " you got it Im captain meliodas alright" meliodas says " hold on this little kid is the leader of the seven deadly sins" the red armoured knight says " yeah surprised" meliodas says " it's astonishing" gowther says " You saying you can't tell from his face then what do you think of that guy ready for this one that's king" ban says walking to the other side of gowther and pointing at king

" no that's someone else bone structure, voice, and body odour it all imitates another person And not king" gowther says "odour?" Ban says then king turns into his other self " creepy" the female knight says " it is him then undoubtedly" gowther says " way to backtrack" ban says then slader claps " wonderful to meet not only gowther but three of the seven deadly sins so happyyy given the chance I would love to challenge you but it's such a pity in the very end our mission today is only to return home with that armoured giant" he says " by the way who's inside of that armour" meliodas asks " I'm not really sure" gowther says " huh" meliodas says " now then time to get to work" slader says " I'd actually preferred it if you'd left him alone would you" gowther says " what's going on gowther just let those guys do what they want" ban says " yeah the fact is the only reason we tried to protect it is because we thought it was you" king says

" right" meliodas says then the giant starts to stand up and destroyed some of the armour by screaming " you felt this magical power first hand still think you can defeat him" Goethe's says looking at the giant "that's right I admit that two of us no make that one of us will surely die but we'll surely claim this ones head too" slader says " a cold headed assessment I have no choice then" gowther says raising a hand then cutting the giants head off then he picks up the head " take it with you" gowther says " what are you doing" slader says " it's the most peaceful way of resolving this" gowther says walking closer " I except your offer" slader says taking the head " are you sure about this-" the red armoured knight starts " silenced like you gowther the goat sin só out of respect for your legend we'll withdraw but if by chance we're given the other to go after your head one day when that it comes well.... Tata" slader says jumping away with the rest " yes tata" gowther says waving he's hand

" I'm kind of surprised it looked like you had some sympathy for this monster" king says " oh really was I sympathizing with him" gowther says " he was wearing your armour wasn't he was he like your stand in or something" meliodas says " stand in no though he affectively became one after all you did mistake him for me" gowther says " yeah well it's not like even ever seen your real face" ban says " I see in other words my disguise was unnecessary" gowther says " still never seen a monster like this before" meliodas says " he was very likely human once" gowther says " huh" meliodas says turning to face gowther " human" king says then the monsters hand starts moving king got scar and turned back into his old self " well then try to contain him the four of you" gowther says taking off the rest of the coat " hold on what's going on here" meliodas says

" as I said the chaos would have been extreme if we clashed in a three-way battle" gowther says " you chopped off his head but he's still alive" king says " yes it was already ornamental anyway" gowther says " what part of him was once human then this is really weird" king says "  naturally he wasn't an ordinary human that's the shell of a former holy knight" gowther says " a shell of a holy knight" king says " I'm sure you can sense it I had him wearing my armour to suppress this evil force but after repeated damage to it the seal was broken" gowther says " so that's what's going on well he doesn't exactly seem like the kind of guy you can reason with" meliodas says dodging the attack the monster through at him " LETS DO THIS" meliodas screams " right" ban says as they both start attacking the monster then he punches them back into king pillow " hehe come on guys when you go into battle you should wait to see how your appointment strikes first" king says " shut up king" ban says " it's so fluffy" meliodas says

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