Episode 13

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3rd POV

" hot my insides are burning" Jericho says " how was he able to escape from the Amber huh ahhhhhhh" Gil screams as meliodas ropes out her hand that has the sword " how dare you" she says then meliodas uses the sword to send her an attack " I don't believe it one little wave caused a huge bast like that" Jericho said running over to gila then takes out the green ball and uses it to recover " this wasn't the plan I thought it was impossible for anything to break out of that amber" she says " that's not my area but he's giving off disturbing magical energy it's almost as if" gila says

"That's some seriously bad news jerikur" ban says " the names Jericho" she says " oh sorry I went on a head and healed myself oh nice spell Beas you guys got some fun toys HEY WATCH OUT" ban says as meliodas comes flying at them then ban charges " captain is it still really you in there" ban says then meliodas cuts him in half " what in the world is going on here" you say " (y/n) are you feeling ok" hawk asks " I'm fine hawk what in the world is that idiot doing do you have any idea" you ask hawk " hell if I know is that crazy ass guy really meliodas" hawk says then the three of us scream as something hits the ground then meliodas starts sniffing me " sir meliodas what are you doing to my sister" Elizabeth asks then meliodas raises a hand and the power stuff turn his hand into a wing and he flys away

Then meliodas goes near king and starts fights the old guy he gets thrown to the ground " it would seem you are different from gila and Jericho this is truly a miscalculation it's my guess you are a plan from the very beginning" he says then meliodas flys up and sends an attack at him and they start fight with the black marking protecting him from attacks as well as sending blows at the guy and the guy starts taking notes about meliodas new power he starts talking about how he's more powerful while meliodas is totally kicking his ass then the black things turn into spikes then the knight gets a power boost and sends meliodas into the ground thinking they've finished the seven deadly sins sins "all that remains now is to return with the sword meliodas and the princesses" he says " oh no" me and Elizabeth say " dammit all so I'm the only Warrior left huh" hawk says " now then I best retrieve him before he runs wild again" he says " oh no he's really gonna" hawk says " meliodas" I say " sir meliodas" Elizabeth says the ban cover our mouths " keep it down the two of you can still run right this is really messed up" ban says " sir ban you'd abandon meliodas" I say then ban starts running with me and Elizabeth " let go of me" I say " yeah I'll do that as soon as we're in the clear" ban says " huh griamore Veronica" I say then Diane shows up and starts beating the shit out of that guy

Your POV

" see it's messed up huh" ban says "yup" hawk says " heyyy" Diane say " Diane" I say " hey uh" meliodas says then Diane rubs her cheek against his " sir meli-" Elizabeth starts then ban punches meliodas in the face " pay back" ban says " yeah that's cool" meliodas says sounding tired " I was so worried" Elizabeth said running up to him and giving him a hand but before he could take it I jumped into his arms " I'm so glad your alright I thought I lost you" I say hugging him tighter " you'll never loss me (y/n)" he say hugging me back and I can feel Elizabeth glaring at me then I get up and help him up " hey can I tell you something" he asks me " sure" I say " you should put on some panties" he says squishing my butt " meliodas" I complain " hey are you imageries bothering you king" Diane asks " not ready I mean maybe a little" he says "griamore glad your alright" I say " I'm qualified to be a holy knight I couldn't even protect you that was princess Veronicas final order to me but I ended up disobeying her but I..." he says "thank you I know how much you cared for her please bury her on the shore of pioneers lake that's all I ask of you I can still remember how much fun the four of us used to have there she loved it so much Im gonna stop the holy knights no matter what I will I SWEAR" I say walking away " princess how is it you've become so strong now" he says

" hey guys do you think he'll go back to the kingdom" hawk asks " beats me" meliodas says " look forget about all of that captain where's your sword" ban says " huh oh I guess it was stolen" he says " but wasn't that sword really important to you is that really ok" Elizabeth asks " no it's not ok at all the situation is serious but I'm glad you two are alright cause that's what really matter to me" he says looking at you making you and Elizabeth turn red " are you saving Im not important to you" Diane says picking up meliodas " what are you talking about I can tell from here your doing just fine" he says " and I'm a freaking mess" hawk says " your pretty Tough if you ask me" king says

Time skip

"Rest now Veronica and please be at peace I promise things will be different I'll bring back the days where laughter echoed throughout the land just like it used to be and I'd give my life for it" I say " things will work out" Diane says " my comrades" I say " that's right because your one of us now (y/n)" she says

3rd POV

" captain" king says " sir meliodas" Elizabeth said " meliodas" I said " I promise you for the sake of the person who always fought by my side this war has been raging on for 3000 years but I'll end it once and for all" he says

Finished: July 24 9:01

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