Episode 7

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Your pov

" well good morning (y/n) you feeling better today" meliodas says " yes thank you for asking how about I help you out of that" I said " ok try to be gentle" he said

" umm hawk the next time you tie up meliodas maybe just do it an inch Luser because it's really hard for me to take it off" I say " if I do that then it defeats the hold purpose of it" hawk said " if you just look at it as part of foreplay it's actually not that bad at all" he said " excuse me that my sister" Elizabeth said " what's foreplay" you ask " don't worry about it maybe tonight you can tie me up instead of hawk" meliodas said "hey did I hear someone say your gonna tie up hawk" Diane says " no one tying me up" hawk screamed " I could sure use a drink captain" ban said " little early don't you think" Diane said " do you want to have some breakfast with us" Elizabeth asked " you don't expect me to eat the captains awful cooking do you" ban said

3rd POV
" hold on didn't you say fatty was 6 feet under these days" ban asked " it's the only lead we've got so we might as well check it out" meliodas said " The city of the dead sounds scary what kind of place is it" Elizabeth asks " I have no idea honestly the only thing I know about it is that it exist" meliodas said " Yasmin is probably haunted with a name like that" hawk says

Time skip

"Sir meliodas may I ask what kind of person was sir king" Elizabeth asked " let's see I'd say he's kind of like the seven deadly sins mascot a pet I guess" meliodas said " HEY you know full well there's no pets allowed in here having an animal in a dining establishment is disgusting" hawk said 'soo...who's gonna tell him' i thought " ever heard the word irony" meliodas said "oh about king there was a time ban was to totally into collecting plushy's " meliodas explained everything that happened " sir king seems strange but also has a very good heart" I said " I bet that ban and king fought all the time" hawk said " what would make you think that kind and ban were practically attached to the hip though when I think about it may have been to clean up bans messes though they make a pretty good team" meliodas said

Time skip

" there's something you should know real genuinely sins there's no amount of repenting that you can atone for them" ban said " glad you finally realize that" a little boy said "hey ban how it goes a what up it's not like you to be quite" he says "hold on who are you" ban asks

" wow my feeling are hurt who am I you don't remember me at all" he says " sorry there bud" ban says " well then I guess it doesn't matter to much the only thing that matters is you are the fox sin of greed" he says " or maybe you prefer if I call you this name ban the undead" he says " you got a smart mouth I kid what the hell do you know about me" ban says "I know your sin even if you don't remember me you can still remember your sin can't you , you know to satisfy your selfish greed and agin eternal life you murdered holy women of the Fountain of Youth "he says " listen up brat get out of here"ban says " I'm right aren't I" he says " ask you one more time who are you" ban says " I'm happy you came out here to play with me because I just walked right into my trap" he says

"Alright someone better tell me what all this commotion is about" Diane says "KiNG" meliodas and Diane say " TELL ME HOW THAT TINY THING IS KING" ban said " maybe he lost some Weight" meliodas said " A little weight that ain't even The main issue here" ban says " king we came to look for you and now your here this is incredible"Diane say then king flys away

"Ok everyone dig in" ban says " thank you so much" the kids say then meliodas and ban start arguing about if that was king or not then the kids explain about the "afterlife"

Time skip

" well I guess all we have to do is die right" meliodas said " you big idiot" hawk says " I don't have any shared memories with my mother so that wouldn't work" Elizabeth said

"(Y/n) come here look at all these flowers" Diane said "oh wow it's so beautiful" (y/n) says "pretty" Diane says " hey you guys be careful" one of the kids say " huh" (y/n) and Elizabeth say "hey lady mister" one of the kids say then king goes flying in to the tornado flower thing as meliodas stans in front of (y/n) to protect her though it's not working " captain" Diane says " look you guys" meliodas says " no doubt about it the acropolis memories belonging to one of them opened the pathway" king says " do you think it was my wish to meet my mother that opened it up and carried us here" Elizabeth says " no wishes don't work only memories remember" (y/n) says to her sister " ban come back" (y/n) screamed

" I won't let you get away from me again" ban says

Finished : July 24 2:10

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