The Next Level

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Alright guys, we are winding down to the end, but there is a sequel in the works! I just don't know how long it will take as I am pre-writing it. So far I am 8500 words into it. I've been a little busy. If yall have any hopes for the sequel feel free to dm me or comment! I can't promise they will be included but they can't be included if you don't suggest them!

2 chapters left!!!!!!

"Kendall Knight seems to be making a speedy recovery, during an interview yesterday promoting his fiancé's upcoming album, he showed off some of his progress." The sports channel boasted as the clip played on the screen. "His expected recovery is 6 to 8 weeks, so we could be seeing him back on the ice as soon as next Wednesday."

Kendall sighed at their last comment. He wasn't sure if he was going to be ready by next Wednesday.

"Kendall, don't let them stress you out over that. It's expected to be 6 to 8 weeks, not guaranteed to be Wednesday. Don't rush it just listen to your leg and Logan." James reassured walking in with their lunch.

"I know, but I don't want to disappointed people by not coming back on the date they are expecting."

"Their expectations are based purely on how much they love you on the ice, they don't know your progress, and you leg has it's own expectations, and trust me it's beliefs are much more important than random peoples. Everyone who really matters has no expectations as to when you should be back. We just want you to get better."

"I know, speaking of my leg, while I was at the stadium yesterday I saw Logan. He said I could start trying to walk on it in the pool without assistance."

"Do you want to go do that after we finish eating?"

"I think so, he said with as well as I was doing outside of the pool with support, I should start trying to do it by myself, and the first step is to try it in the pool."

"Alright, well finish your sandwich and we can head out there."




James helped Kendall walk to the pool and then down the steps into the pool. Never letting go.

"Are you ready for this?" James asked softly, he was nervous, he had no clue how this would go, and it would be the first time in weeks that Kendall wasn't using him as support while trying to walk. The first time he wouldn't already be attached ready to help.

"I think so." Kendall tentatively placed his injured leg on the bottom of the pool.

"Just tell me when to let go, I won't do it until you say you're ready." James assured.

"Wait." Kendall suddenly said, and James instinctively pulled him closer.

"You okay?"

"Just... keep your arms around me ok? Don't support me, but..."

"Ok, I can do that. Same deal as always, I will catch you just collapse." James assured loosening his grip on Kendall. Still holding him, but offering no support. "You're standing."

"I am..." Kendall said as a smile grew on his face.

"All by yourself. I could let go right now and nothing would change."

"Lets try a step." Kendall said after a moment.

James nodded and took a step forward so he could catch Kendall if something went wrong, though his arms were still around him.

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