❦ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖❦

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     The raven had managed to get everything back in his bag, even if some were soaked more than others, and was holding onto the strap of his bag as he stared at the floor beneath him. Putting up with the treatment those jocks imposed on him was one thing but having other people see him as weak to let them push him around was another thing. More than anything Keith felt anger bubble in his chest once his heart's pounding had decreased before increasing again. He was angry that the customer he met the day prior was the one to "save" him from the harsh trreatment he'd always receive.

     "Why'd you do it, huh?! Out of pity?! Out of personal morale?! Well which is it?! Answer me!"

     The male turned around wearing a shocked expression upon being scolded at before he settled for that small sad smile again. I hate it when he does that! Keith marched up to the male and roughly grabbed him by the collar of his shirt to look him over. The raven needed to memorize the man that had bought those flowers and placed them at the doorstep of the one place he swore to never go back to and had just scared off his tormentors.

     The male had chocolate brown hair that seemed to be a currly mess if left alone, faint hint of freckles over the bridge of his nose and his cheeks, an even tan enshrouding his whole body, and his height was slightly annoying seeing as the guy had a few inches more than Keith would've liked. However what caught the raven's eye were the brunet's eyes. His grip on the brunet lossened a bit as he took a hand and gently brushed his fingertips across his cheek underneath his eye. They were a dark ocean blue color that would shine and sparkle if the light hit them just right. Keith's mind began to overload with multiple thoughts but all of them screamed the same thing: It's him! It has to be!

     "Are you going to let go ooorrr..." The brunet subtly suggested, bringing the raven back to reality.

     "... Right... Sorry about that, and thank you for helping me out. I'll see you later."

     He pushed past the brunet before he could let his mind take over, much less let his heart take over. He knew it was impossible for the brunet to be his brunet. It had to be impossible because if it was Keith wasn't at all prepared to face him after so long, after ten years of his life had gone by without his dear friend. The images, voices, and promise revived in his mind as he walked down the halls in a hurry, trying to run away from it all. He wanted to move on with his life, he thought he had, but the past kept coming back to torment him. If he had to choose Keith would prefer to be beaten to a pulp by the jocks rather than try and run from the memories of ten years ago.

     The rest of the school day had gone by without any more hiccups so before he knew it Keith was already on his way for work at the grocery store. As he walked he heard the sound of footsteps coming up behind him. The raven turned around in time to see two of his other childhood friends, but as he saw them he recalled that they had been the ones to come out of hiding in the locker room. Once they caught up with him, Keith asked the question he'd been meaning to ask them since earlier that morning.

     "Do you guys know who that guy was?"

     The male who was bigger than the other two looked Keith over and asked, "Who?"

     "Come on Hunk, you don't need to oversell it." The smaller girl with a ponytail and glasses chimed in.

     "Guys! Who is he?" Keith interupted his friend's bickering, becoming desperate to know who the brunet was. "He looked a lot like... you know... from back then." His friends looked at each other before looking back a Keith. "I know you're hiding something, so you'd better tell me or I'll kill you."

     The girl sighed. "Listen Keith, he told us not to tell anyone who he was until he found whoever he's looking for."

     "What do you mean by that, Katie?"

Thanks For The Memories [Klance Fanfic] [WIP]Where stories live. Discover now