Chapter 5

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"Come on, Hope!!! You're gonna make us late."

It's the first day of college and I'm damn excited! As I get ready for the day, one of my annoying friends knocks on my dorm door. I snicker and open the door.

"Kookie, there's still a lot of time. We don't have to rush." I tell him as soon as I open the door.

Jeongguk, Taehyung and Jimin come into my room while I'm getting my hair to follow my comb's command.

"We want to get there with a lot of time to spare." Jimin says.

I look at them, questioningly. "Why?"

Taehyung smiles naughtily. "We want to check out the girls." Jimin and Jeongguk nod, eagerly.

"There's one right here!" I gesture at myself.

They start laughing.

"Rude much!"

"Don't get us wrong. We are aware that you are a girl but you're one of us." Jeongguk says

"It'll be too weird to look at you that way." Jimin tells me.

Taehyung starts, "Besides, you're already..."

"Hajima!" Jimin yells.

Suddenly, Jimin and Jeongguk pounce on Taehyung to shut his mouth.

"What's going on?" I eye them, suspiciously. "I'm what?"

"Nothing. I don't mean, you'renothing. I mean, he meant nothing." Jeongguk says, quickly.

"He's right!" Taehyung agrees with him.

I bend down to look at Taehyung, cutely. "Tae, what were you gonna say?"

His eyes widen at my sweet voice. He breaks eye contact with me and looks here and there, nervously.

"H, it's not fair for you to suddenly turn on your girl charm." Jimin chides me.

"Stop it! You're terrifying me." Jeongguk cowers in fear.

I shake my head at his actions, I ignore them. "Tae, please..."

"FIRST DAY!!!!!!!" Suddenly someone yells. We don't have to look at the person to know who it is!

"I know!!!" I exclaim.

Hoseok and I skip around happily.

Jimin, Taehyung and Jeongguk sigh in relief. I look at them to let them know this is not over. They gulp in fear.

"Let's go! Let's go!!!" Hoseok says, cheerfully.

"Gimme two minutes." I tell him.

He sighs. "I'll get the others, then."

As soon as Hoseok walks out of my room, I turn my attention to the others. "So..."

"What Hobi??? Oh! You need us." Taehyung walks out of my room with a serious expression on his face. Jimin and Jeongguk follow him out, immediately.

I shake my head at their antics and continue fighting my hair. "Those pabos!"


We stand in front of the university and look at it.

"No matter how many times I look at the building, I can't get enough of it." I say in wonder.

"True." Namjoon agrees.

"Sure, the building is pretty and all but check out that chick there!" Seokjin says.

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