Chapter 7

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Suddenly, I feel an arm wrap around my waist and pull me backwards towards his body. My back crashes into his torso. The sudden change in the momentum and the backward pull makes us lose balance and we fall with a thud.

"Uff!" The air is sucked out of me on impact.

"I should be saying that." A voice says from under me.

I quickly get off of him, kneel next to him. I look at Jeongguk with concern.

"Are you okay?"

"I think so."

The others catch up and surround us. They breathe, heavily.

"Man! You both are fast." Yoongi puts his hands on his knees and pants, heavily.

"Well, this was really good! We should do this again some time. Jal Ja!"

I'm about to make my way out of the circle when Taehyung pulls me closer to him and wraps his hands around my waist.

Seokjin looks at me, dangerously. "You really think we'll just let you go?"

"Tae, please let me go."

He looks at me blankly. "Not happening."

"You deserve a punishment." Jimin says.

"Sounds good." Hoseok agrees.

Namjoon chuckles at Jimin's suggestion. I narrow my eyes at him. He only shrugs at me in response. They start discussing various possible punishments ranging from doing their laundry for a week to cleaning their rooms.

"Wae you so quiet?" Jeongguk asks Yoongi.

"I really don't care about all this. I just want to see what's going to happen to her." He replies.

"You don't care if the whole university thinks you're gay?" Namjoon asks in amusement.

"I like both girls and guys. It doesn't bother me." Yoongi confesses.

Silence sweeps the group as each one absorbs the sudden confession.

"I'm so smitten by you, right now." I say.

He smiles his gummy smile at me. "I'm not going to help you."

"What! I find it hot that your range of love is so broad."

Yoongi just shakes his head at me.

"Let's flick her on her forehead." Jimin suggests.

"You're being diabolical!" I retort.

Taehyung holds me tighter as I try to free myself from his grip again.

"Dibs!" Jeongguk calls out.

They start arguing amongst themselves on who gets to flick me.

"Let's decide through rock, paper, scissors." Namjoon suggests.

"And all of us can't flick her or else she'll have to roam around with a red forehead tomorrow." Hoseok points out.

"Yoongi, hold her since you don't care about this." Taehyung tells Yoongi.

Yoongi looks like he wants to say something but then he sighs and holds me while Taehyung lets go off me.

"Yoongi... jebal! I don't want to be flicked by Jimin. Look at him, giving me those evil smirks." I try to convince Yoongi to let me.

He chuckles. "Only one of you gets to flick her."

"C'mon! At least two." Seokjin bargains.

"Okay..." Yoongi agrees.

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