Chapter 11

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'Serving customers with a fake smile did not brighten up my day, neither did it give me something to bitch about. But it did partially take my mind off 'you know who'. When I'm not able to take my mind off, I torture myself with the thoughts of Joonie and Yoonah having hot sex.'

'Argh! This is not happening. Stop it, Hope! Get a hold of yourself.'  I let out my millionth sigh.

"What's wrong with her?" A co-worker asks Seokjin.

"She's in a mood today." Seokjin answers.

"I can hear you guys." I tell them.

"You're bringing everyone down with you." The co-worker tells me.

I sigh once again.

"She'll get better soon." Seokjin says.

"Order up! Hope, here you go." Another co-worker says.

I spend the next few hours serving customers and thinking about Namjoon. I must be really fortunate because I didn't make a mistake though my thoughts are filled with Namjoon.
Half way through my shift, I stopped trying to not think about him. I, desperately, want to go to Yoonah's place and pull Namjoon off her. Maybe even fight her, a little.

'But Yoonah is a nice girl.' I sigh again.

'The world is totally being unfair. Joonie is a nice person, Yoonah is a nice person and I'm a pretty nice person as well. Who do I get mad at? It's so easy to put the blame on all the villains and bad people but what should a person do when there are no bad people in the scenario?'

'I wish there was just one particular point at which I could direct all my anger at.' I sigh.

"I swear to God if you sigh one more time, I'm gonna murder you!" Seokjin warns me.

I look at him, annoyed. I, deliberately, sigh again.

Seokjin shakes his head in disappointment. "Just fifteen minutes more. I must control until I get away from her."

"Yah! You're my friend. You all always keep reiterating that you will be there for me. Now be there for me."

"We assumed, we would have to comfort a vulnerable you but all you're being is annoying." Seokjin explains.

"Would you rather comfort a crying me?"

He scoffs. "Please, I can take on a crying girl anytime. But I don't know how to deal with a sighing mess."

I pout at him. "Seokjin, I want to have a weak moment."

"What do you need?"

"Just hear me out."

He nods and gestures for me to continue.

"I can't stop thinking about what might be happening there."

"That's natural."

"Nae, but I don't want to think about it."

"Nobody wants to think about something like that."

"OMG Jin! Listen to me! Gimme your expert comments in the end."

"Right, mian!" He does aegyo in embarrassment.

I open my mouth to say something but I close it again. "I got nothing more to say."

"Time for me to talk?"


"It's normal for all of us to feel this way. You have to distract yourself. That's why, I brought you here. Thought, working will take your mind off of him. Seems like that did not work."

In love with my best friendOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant