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BTW, I have not made any kind of profit in the making, publishing or posting of this story. This is purely for creative purposes.

Plot: His vacation plans went sideways when the country went on Covid-19 lockdown. The girl he literally met by accident is on lockdown with him. How does he avoid cabin fever for 14 days and control the attraction he feels for her? (March 9, 2020 Covid-19 lockdown, Philippines.)

Warning: I use a lot of profanity for this story.

Note: 1. Pedro Pascal is the inspiration for this story. (Of course) 2. I named her Aize /ayz/ or /eyes/ (from parts of my real name)

Please don't get confused by my use of pronouns. This is a semi-blended POV. Thanks! Please give me a review and enjoy!

She's a combination of sensitive and savage.

-via Quotes and Notes

"Oh, shit! I forgot the time!" It was afternoon again when I finally emerged from my room. Hand in the back of my aching hips. I stopped at the hallway to get the kink out of them.

"What did you do?"

"I finished one play!" Elated, I raised my fists to the heavens only to jerk them back down at the pinch on my side.

"Great! What's the plot?" Aize kept a finger in the book she's reading. I look at that thick book with suspicion. It might be one of the culprits that assaulted my person at the airport.

I came over and sat across her. "About my pandemic saga."

"Really?" she shook her head in amusement and disbelief. "You wrote a play about the pandemic?"

"Yes. I just sent a proposal to the financers." I smile as my eyes flow all over her. It takes in how she looks today. Mother fucker! This back is such a buzz kill. "Shit!" Groaning, I twist left and right hoping to relax the muscles.

"What's wrong?"

"Back..." I wince with a gesture.

"Cramps?" She tilts her head at me.

"Yes..." I gasped and grabbed the coffee table with a pained grimace.

She held out a hand. "Come here. Let me." Aize waved me over. She sat up from the couch and made a space for me.

"Okay." I nodded and slowly stood but a sharp pain brought me to my knees. "Aah....! I hissed.

"John? John!"

I felt something rush at me then warm hands and arms enveloped my back. "I...I...aah!" I closed my eyes as a volley of stabbing pain raked my back. The coffee table shook at my white-knuckled grasp. "Sh....shhit!"

"Your back....it's all...my God...." Aize began to run her hands firmly on the afflicted muscles. It felt good. But I'm unable to move, and my back is under fire.

"It... feels like the...oh God.... entire slab... of muscle... is being pulled off from my ribs." I explained haltingly almost avoiding a squeak at the end. She listens, her brain turns. "There's pain... but there's...there's numbness there...gods....ah...ah!"

I briefly see Aize's face when she bent over to me, "Wait...I have an idea..."

Her soothing hands were gone. "No...Aize..." No. Where is she? I didn't like that she left me. "Aize...Aize...." I could dimly hear some noise in the kitchen. Here comes another wave of pain....! "Aaah....!" Gritting my teeth, I grabbed the arm of the couch as my back further got twisted. I hoped that if I close my eyes and tried to disassociate my agony.... but I couldn't....

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