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Arthit sighed and, removing Godt's hand from his cheek, shook his head.

- "I have already told you that there are three things that I cannot do .... I cannot kill your enemies nor resurrect the dead, besides ... I cannot make someone fall in love with you" - he said as he took a few steps back, moving his body away from the human who ... rising from his bed of silk and gold ... was trying to take his hands in his with an imploring expression on his handsome face - "and as for the other matter ... I am not going to sleep with you, neither voluntarily nor forced ... "

Godt grunted, clearly angered by the genie's response.

When Kongpob had told him that geniuses were capable of fulfilling each of the wishes that their owner had, he had never imagined that the Sun of the court of Geniuses could be such a complicated being .. nor that beautiful. His eyes, again, slid over the body of the man while remembering how he had looked wrapped in those brightly colored silks.

"So tempting ...", he told himself as, with each passing second, he felt how his skin crawl with the imperative need to touch Arthit. To feel his body close to his.

But the genie, unlike what had always happened in other cases, had refused to share his bed ... not even a kiss he had been able to get from the man. 

And that despite the countless attempts at seduction he had made. Nothing had worked ... not even the use of his second wish had been enough.

And his patience was wearing thin.

- "Oon ..."

Arthit grunted, pulling away Godt's hand from his arm for the second time in their conversation.

- "Do not call me that way!" - the man exclaimed as he threw an enraged look at the human who, immediately, began to pale - "I have already fulfilled one of your wishes ... you are rich and admired by all. You have a harem that is greater than the King's... do not try to go beyond the limits that have been imposed on you or you will regret it! "

After which Arthit simply disappeared before the eyes of Godt who ... with a sigh, dropped onto the floor of his new house.

"You will be mine, Arthit ... I swear it" he promised himself while, with a grunt, he reached inside his pants and took his member, already erect, between his fingers.



Everyone turned around as soon as they noticed Arthit's presence. The genie, with a tired gesture, approached the table where his brothers and relatives were already sitting.

The music stopped and Namtarn, with a worried expression, stepped out of her husband's arms to approach her best friend with a clear question in her eyes.

- "Tell me you're okay ..." - she said as she took both his hands in hers- "tell me that nothing bad has happened to you."

Arthit sighed and, flopping down on one of the cushions, looked at the faces of everyone present. Seconds later he dropped his on the glass table that was in the center of the huge gold-inlaid marble room.

- "I'm fine ... but things are turning out to be more difficult than I expected"

Nam, with a sullen expression, sat down next to him. She immediately motioned for one of the servants to bring some food and drink for everyone. No sooner had they retired than her, with a furious look, turned towards Oon while crossing her arms over her chest.

- "And what were you expecting? For you to go the human world and that, in a few minutes, your other half would appear out of nowhere?" -asked the girl, unable to prevent irony from coloring her tone of voice- "I already told you thousands of times that it is not so easy ... that it is much better for you to forget that nonsense and accept your wedding with Forth" .

Arthit grunted, shaking his head.

- "Forth is just a friend ... a brother. I don't see him as anything else ..."

Jay, for the first time since Arthit appeared, cleared his throat, drawing the attention of his wife and their best friend. Then he smiled and gave them two glasses of liquor.

- "Come on ... we have already talked about this matter many times. That our wedding ended well does not mean that all arranged unions do it, Nam ... if Oon does not want to marry Forth, he cannot be forced" - he commented , earning a glare from the woman - "Arthit, I know you want to find your soul mate and be finally free from this obligation of ours to fulfill the wishes of mortals but ... you have to be careful, remember what happened to the last genius who ventured into the mortal world and fell in love with a human...  he gave himself to a man who, in the end, left him alone and miserably"

Arthit sighed, nodding as he remembered Beam's shattered expression. His eyes had been so empty  as he told them how he had been used, humiliated and abandoned in front of the family members of the man he had fallen in love with.

- "He's still locked in his lamp, right?" he asked despite imagining the answer.

Jay and Nam nodded sadly.

- "He says that he does not plan to go out ... that he does not want to see anyone"

- "That's why I didn't want you to follow that Godt... it's easy to see what kind of person he is ..." - the girl muttered as she remembered the expression full of desire with which the mortal had been looking at Arthit. How he had followed with his eyes his friend's skin, barely covered with his genius clothes, while a small lump had started to form in his pants.

Arthit sighed and, raising the glass to his lips, took a long drink while he considered what to say to his friends.

He didn't want to worry them by commenting on the obsession that the human he served seemed to be developing. Much less after having seen Nam lying on the ground with a large part of her body burned. He was afraid that his friend would try, this time, something much worse.

"I must hurry up and find my Other Half before that idiot finishes making his wishes or ... I'll be forced to marry Forth," he thought, "I know It can work out ... as long as that mortal doesn't know of my true intentions "he said to himself as he imagined what Godt might do if he discovered that he did not intend to fulfill more wishes than the one he had already fulfilled. At most one more, that was all.

After all, under no circumstances, would he leave the human world without having found the love of his life ... the only person who could really free him from the curse that hung over the heads of all his people.

The curse that, because of one of their own, had fallen on all of them. Something that he did not intend to reveal to anyone except to this Soul Mate ... and that would be just before linking their souls together for all eternity.

Arthit smiled, imagining what it would be like, while ... next to him ... his friends could only look at each other with worried expressions on their faces.

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