~Mission 26 (July 25th-August 7th)~

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How was that extra week of reading? I still find it hard to believe that the previous iteration of this club used to be monthly! For those who had been in both, what do you make of the time frame for reading?

I'm working on handing out more reading rewards this week - if you're expecting something, keep an eye out!

But for now, let's get on with another Genre Switch Up Mission!

As a reminder, and for those members who are new, here's what it means:

There will be one book from each genre selected, as per usual. They will be listed below. You can then choose to read any of the books - either from a different genre or from your normal genre. This Genre Switch Up is a choice.

When reporting points at the end of the mission, please also include the title of the book you chose to read.

You are allowed to read snippets from more than one of the mission books. Again, remember to include titles when reporting your points at the end.

Books of the Mission

Owls1221's 'LOD: Return of the Dark Father'

"What happens when Fearian Grevalon, who's been a criminal and the black sheep, tried to rid his misbehaviour in order to be accepted by his strict society? He received their consent and stayed with his family who he had abandoned long ago, he tried to be as good as possible to them. Especially his father who he mistreated as well.

Things went well for both Fearian and his father, until he made a mistake that caused him to receive a penalty from the king. That is to leave the Meanian Kingdom once and for all.

He was against the idea yet he knew he'll struggle with his actions, so he accepted his punishment. However, he somehow knew that his family, specifically his father, were in danger when he heard a whisper about his father's demise.

So he has little time to figure out who's going to harm them, and he has to find out quickly before he becomes an outcast."

*Note: This story contains violence and strong language. If you feel you cannot read certain parts or read at all, please notify your admin or a manager.


ShikaDreamer108's 'Milk, Sugar and Cocoa (Rewritten)'

"A haunting past... a dark society... broken people... The world is a cruel place. So we have to make the most of what we hold dear.

After fleeing an abusive life in her home country, Ghana, and starting a new chapter with her father and his new family in England, Jemimah learns the harshness of the outside world, that she had been locked away from her whole life. She begins a path of self discovery of her own identity, as well as learning the struggles of mental health issues and the stresses of teenage life.

During this personal journey, Jemimah encounters others who are also fighting to move on from the past and find their new selves. Together, they must find where they belong in this world, and be prepared for what challenges lay ahead..."

*Note: This story contains abuse, violence, suicidal themes, blood, and psychological themes. If you feel you cannot read or continue to read on, please notify your admin or a manager.


elizabethtrupiano's 'Heart of Glass'

"Claudia Adams is beginning her senior year of high school without knowing what the future holds. Her tense relationship with her parents appears unlikely to improve and her recent breakup leaves her social life open for the first time since her freshman year. With everything up in the air, Claudia begins the year with her best friend and without any expectations. Then her life is threatened by a demon while attending a party, opening her eyes to the Salience World, a supernatural world existing within the human world. A world that, seemingly, Claudia is a part of. Claudia must learn how to navigate this new world and its prejudices while trying to reconcile the fact that her parents have been lying to her for eighteen years for the sake of her own sanity and survival."

*Note: This story contains mature content. If you feel you cannot read certain parts or read at all, please notify your admin or a manager.


LuisPetrizzoRengel's 'Earth Warriors'

"It is the year 2026, an alien race called the Zlocu are waging war across the stars, believing that the era of peace was slowing down the next step of universal evolution and now are determined to "awake" everyone to let them know how peace made them "weak".

Planet Earth took one of the worst hits from their onslaught, given that they were recovering from a devastating global conflict. Despite the efforts of various governments, the Zlocu occupied 80% of Earth. Everything seemed hopeless until a group of celestial beings called "The Guardians" started to intervene in the conflict, as a result of the discovery of the four physical incarnations that represent the principles of the Universe itself, all of them found on planet Earth.

Now, these four heroes and other factions must work together to defeat the Zlocu Empire and Malgan's reign of tyranny. But more than war, they also need to know what is the meaning of being a hero and a warrior in the modern world."

*Note: this story contains some extreme violence, heavy psychological themes, and some scenes of a sexual nature.

The Task

~ Read as many chapters as you'd like of the any of the Books of the Mission. Remember, the more you read, the further you climb the rewards ladder.

~ At the end of each chapter, leave an overall comment with the tag #AmazonLily. You should know the level of detail we look for from the entry process.

~ At the end of the mission, comment on this chapter how many parts you completed. The deadline is 7th August so the next mission can begin promptly on the 8th.

~ Any questions or queries, please tag .

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