New Club. What's New?

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We have mentioned most of the changes in the previous part. In this second part, we'll get into more detail about some of them.

Screening Process

As stated in the earlier chapter, we've set this new rule due to the feedback we received from club members of the previous book club. Your writing doesn't have to be perfect, most of the time typos and grammar mistakes always escape our eyes, no matter how many times we edit that same chapter.

Before your form is accepted, we'll screen your book to see if the writing is edited enough to enjoy the story without getting distracted by a writer's persistent enemy, grammar.

Comment evaluation

This is another stage we've added on our sign up process. As writers on wattpad, a comment means everything to us. Whether it's a critique or spam of comments of readers reacting to the characters or story, it always makes us a smile because it shows us that someone out there is reading our story.

But as it's difficult to find that loud reader, we mostly rely on reads for reads or book clubs to get a comment. Despite that, it doesn't feel like these people are reading your book as they leave generic comments like: "I love this!" Or "Good chapter!"

Comments like those just feel so empty.

Comment evaluation will be the final stage for you to join the club. We'll post a short story on this book and you'll have to tell us your thoughts about it on that chapter's comment section. Your comments can vary from writing feedback to your thoughts on the story.

You don't have to write a lengthy comment and if you think you're not good at giving critiques, commenting your thoughts on the story and characters will be enough.

The Reward System

As mentioned in the opening chapter, there will be a reward system based on the number of chapters read and commented on. At the end of each two-week mission, you will report the number of chapters read and commented on to the admin of your category. The admins will keep a running total of these numbers each week and assign the rewards as necessary.

10 Chapters

An add to our 'supportive readers' reading list.

25 Chapters

A review of the summary/blurb.

50 Chapters

A shout-out from our profile.

75 Chapters

A review on the first chapter.

100 Chapters

A cover design.

150 Chapters

A synopsis critique or workshop if the book is ongoing.

200 Chapters

A review covering a specific area of your choice (e.g. plot, pacing, characterisation, world building, etc.)

These may seem like big goals, but we believe it is achievable with dedication and hard work. As this club is still under construction, we welcome readers' inputs about this. Feel free to leave a comment here or PM this account.

Similarly, these are primarily targeted at writers. Readers - please let us know what sort of rewards you would be interested in! 

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