Chapter 23*

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Lauryn came down the stairs, getting ready to head to the location Dustin had told her to meet them at. "Lauryn?" her mother called from the kitchen.

"Yes?" Lauryn asked as she stepped into the doorway.

"Your father and I are taking Troy on one last vacation before we announce the divorce to him. I expect you and your brother to be on your best behavior"

"Whatever!" Lauryn called back as she exited the house out the front door. She pulled out of the driveway and headed to the Hawkins High.

She could sense immediately she was better off going to the basketball game and watching Billy and Chrissy make out for seven minutes straight than to be here for the Hellfire Club. At the same time, Lauryn knew she need a somewhat passing grade to graduate.

Lauryn got out of her car, hesitantly walking up to the school's side door. Before she could even raise her hand to pull the door handle, the door flung open. Mike who now towered over her and Dustin stood on the other side. "Let's go!" Mike demanded. Dustin grabbed her hand pulling her straight down the hallway into the Theater Club room.

It had been converted into a makeshift dark lair with black curtains and warm colored lights. One long table was set up in the middle with folding chairs around it. On the one end was Eddie Munson sitting in what looked like a makeshift throne.

"We have a replacement" Mike announced. Dustin grinned from ear to ear presenting his find.

"No fucking way!" Eddie responded shaking his mullet violently back and forth. Lauryn looked back at Dustin and Mike who were stunned.

"Eddie" the two moaned in protest. "You asked for a sub. We delivered"

"This is Hellfire Club. Not Gossip time" Eddie argued.

"I'm not a gossiper" Lauryn muttered.

"Has she even played before?" Eddie questioned looking at Lauryn.

"My name is Lauryn by the way. Nancy and I dressed for their campaign five summers ago. I was a Gandolf the wizard?" Lauryn asked causing Mike to slam his palm against his face.

"Look, I'll be honest. I'm not here to play, I'm here because Dustin is going to guarantee I walk the stage. You can relate. So from one failing classmate to another, can I play?" Lauryn asked.

Eddie stood there stunned.

"Welcome to Hellfire" he greeted, extending his hand out for a shake. Lauryn shook his head before looking back at the boys excited. "One month" she muttered to Dustin. They all took their seats around the table.

Ominous music played faintly in the background as Eddie pulled out this obnoxiously large book. "The hooded cultists chant, "Hail Lord Vecna". "Hail Lord Vecna". They turn to you remove their hoods. You recognize most of them from Makbar. But there is one you do not recognize, his skin shriveled, desiccated. And something else. He is only only missing his left arm, but his left eye" Eddie theatrically said. The whole table but Lauryn jumped up baffled. They all clamored.

"No! No! He was killed by Kas" Mike argued.

"So it was thought, my friends. So it was thought. But Vecna lives" Eddie shouted placing the small metal piece down on the game board. "You are scared. You are tired. You are injuried. Do you flee Vecna and his cultists? Or stand your ground and fight?" Eddie asked. Lauryn intrigued leaned in closer to group.

"I say we fight. To the death" Dustin strongly persuaded.

"To the death" Mike mimicked. The whole table including Lauryn began to chant multiple times "to the death!" while banging on the table. Eddie laughed looking at the group. The game began with each player rolling the dice.

One by one each member of the group was eliminated leaving just Dustin and Lauryn. The group quickly huddled to the side.

"Guys, I hate to say this but we have to flee" one member said.

"I concur" one member said.

"I'm sorry? Didn't we just agree to the death?" Lauryn asked unsure of what was going on.

"That wasn't literal" the one member argued back.

"Vegan just decimated us. We can't kill him with two players" another spoke out.

"You too? He only has 15 hit points left. Don't be pussies" Dustin fought back.

"Pussies? Really? 'Cause we're not delusional?"

"Look, I'm gonna be honest. I'm m really lost and slightly confused by what's going on" Lauryn explained. The group ignored her.

"Hey!" Eddie shouted catching all of their attentions. "If I may interject, gentlemen, lady. Whilst I respect the passion, you'd be wise to take Gareth the Great's concern to heart. There is no shame in running. Don't try to be heroes. Not today, 'kay?"

"One sec" Dustin muttered, the group rehudled. "What do you think Mike?"

"How many hit points do you and Lauryn have left?" Mike asked.

"Hit points?" Lauryn questioned with Dustin responding with "twelve"

"It's risky as hell. But you're the ones on the battlefield. So it's your call" Mike said looking to Dustin and Lauryn.

"What do you say, Lauryn" Dustin asked looking to his left.

"I'm all in... for whatever!" Lauryn exclaimed. The group turned around exiting the huddle. "Let's kill the son of a bitch!" Dustin said. They all gathered around the table. Dustin was first to roll the dice.

It landed on 11. "That's a miss!" Eddie shouted, banging his head back and forth. Dustin screamed out "No! Shit! Shit!"

The attention then turned to Lauryn. She handed the dice, slowly shaking them back and forth in her cupped hands before throwing it out onto the table. The dice rolled down the board, landing on 20. Everyone but Lauryn jumped up in joy. She looked around to see the others ecstatic.

"Crit hit!" Dustin exclaimed. Lauryn just smiled.

The group cleaned up the mess, still celebrating their win. Lauryn was helping clean up when her head began to pound. She had woken up this morning with a mild headache but this was intense.

"What a game" Dustin said as they looked around. The place was all cleaned up. The group filed out of the theater room and down the hall to the side door. As they exited outside everyone from the game was leaving. It was evident Hawkins had somehow won.

Lauryn's head began to pound even more. She winced at the pain.

"You okay?" Eddie asked noticing the pain she was in. His hand reached for her lower back, as he consulted her.

"Fine" she muttered gripping her temple, trying to rub the pain away.

"I have stuff for that. If you need" he whispered. Lauryn looked up. "Stuff?"

"You know" he whispered motioning a smoke. "I uh, live in the trailer park community. Last one on the right. You can stop by later" he said before removing his hand. He joined the others who were waiting by his van for a ride home.

Lauryn looked out into the parking lot to find a pair of eyes staring back at her. Ignoring his glance she walked to her car, turning the ignition on and pulling away.

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