Sam Fraser Part 2

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Sam's POV

It was the end of fourth period English and I was getting ready to go to lunch. I walked out of class, and turned to the left but then immediately got pulled in by my backpack into a custodian closet. It all happened so fast I didn't realize I was moving until I hit my head on the shelves, and the door slammed so loud my stomach dropped. Two kids were looking down at me like they're ready to fight. One of them is Kate, from cheerleading. The other is the mascot for the school, Simon. I recognize him from the games, well, besides the costume.

"Kate? W-What are you doing? What is this?" I say, frantic.

"Zip it, Tinkerbell!" Simon snaps at me, grabbing the mop from the bucket and pointing it at me.

"Way too harsh, Si. Jesus." Kate says while shoving the mop down from my face.

"Don't make her shit herself. Look, we need to talk." Kate looks at me dead in the eye.

"Okay? We could've talked during lunch. I-I don't understand why you shoved me into a closet and started threatening me with a mop." I'm pissed, I'm missing my lunch now.

"Oh, yeah, right. Talk to you during lunch to say in front of everyone that you're OFF the squad and all your bitchy friends would hear? I'm doing you a favor by telling it to you straight in private, instead of out there where you will be humiliated for the rest of high school."

I stand up and look at both of them back and forth.

"I'm off the squad?" I'm trying not to get emotional in front of them. To be fair, I don't care much about cheerleading. It's not like I'm gonna do it for the rest of my life. But it was the only extra curricular I had and one of the few social interactions I have with others, even if it was forced. I'd alway been the quiet girl, I didn't make many friends throughout middle school. And now, the only people I really find common ground with are the few girls on the Cheer Squad, even though the majority of them are mean.

"If you're gonna constantly nit-pick my best friend and make fun of who they are as a person, then yeah. You're off the squad." Kate crosses her arms and looks me up and down while Simon copies and nods his head with a big smile on his face.

"That's right! Justice motherfucker!" Simon says cupping his hands over his mouth.

"Who?" I say because I really have no clue.

Kate drops her arms and looks at Simon confused.

"Deena Johnson?" Kate says as if I should've known before.

"Deena Johnson, the girl in band?" I asked them.

Simon holds his hand out to a height just above Kate's.

"She's like-- yea big. Brown curly hair takes up, like, a third of her body. Wears chokers and stuff, and when she looks at you when she's mad it feels like the world is caving in and she's about to murder you."

I nod because I know the feeling.

"So what about her? I've never called her anything, we've talked once."

"You aren't one of the idiots that makes fun of her in the locker rooms before practice?" Kate says suspiciously.

I shake my head.

"No. I-I heard stuff like that before, but no that's not me. I swear." I put my hands up like I'm being arrested.

"Oh." Kate says. "Okay. You can go then."

I look her down and shake my head in confusion.

"Sorry, what? That's it? You force me into this shoebox, tell me off on something I didn't do, and when I say I didn't do it, that's it? That's all you have to say? Are you serious?"

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