Chapter 17

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"Symir where are you?" Taymari asked Symir over the phone

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"Symir where are you?" Taymari asked Symir over the phone

Today was her checkup and she officially made 5 months. This was the second time he was late to a appointment but it was looking as if he wasn't gonna show at all.

"I'm in traffic..wassup Tay?" He asked. As far as he knew boogie was just bothering him as usual, he had stuff to handle at the trap so he didn't have time for her calls

She scoffed shaking her head "So you really forg— you know what? Fuck you. Me and my baby gon' be good regardless." She spat before hanging up the phone

"He forgot again?" A 7 month pregnant Zy asked while entering Taymari's room at her dad's house

Zyheir came over to fix some breakfast for her best friend knowing how stressed and depressed Taymari's been since the whole fighting situation went down, almost 2 months ago

Taymari sighed and tried to wipe away the tears she didn't even realize fell "Nope. I don't wanna go through this pregnancy alone, Zy. He said he was gonna be home more now it's worse" she vented

"Aww, baby it's gonna be okay. You always gon' have me, this both of our first pregnancy we'll work figure this out together boogs" Zyheir reassured.

She couldn't believe how Symir was acting but regardless she was gonna be there for her bestfriend no matter what.

Taymari only nodded, she felt so alone. She couldn't call Trey because he was still mad at all of his sisters, Bri still has been yet to be seen or heard from. Moonie was still not talking to them either and Missy was just always busy nowadays.

"Let's go check on my gbaby" Zy smiled hoping to make Taymari feel better and think about the baby

"Hi, my favorite patient!" Dr.Evans squealed coming in to hug Taymari

She smiled "Hey Ms.E, how are you?"

"Oh I'm fine baby, how are YOU and my love bug?" Dr.Evans referred to the baby with a bright smile

Over the past few months the two have grown a strong friendship, Dr.Evans 'Ms.E' see's Taymari as a young girl in need of a motherly figure in her life. And she tries to help every which way she can

"We're good. This is my best friend Zyheir" Taymari said quickly changing the topic, she knew ms.e would get on her about her stress and she didn't need another lecture

"Well hello there, best friend Zyheir. Where's daddy today?" She asked knowingly

"Um..well he c-couldn't make it" Taymari said with a sad smile feeling her nose start to burn

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