" Won't you listen to your heart, baby
I can hear your heart crying out for me (girl it's crying out for me)
I can hear your heart crying out for me
(And it's saying)
Come on in, come on in, come on in and save me (Save me)
Come on in, come on in, c...
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I walked into the dark house with Sairè asleep on my chest and Milan holding onto my waist which was very uncomfortable but I didn't dare interfere knowing this was comfortable for her.
I was beyond pissed about everything that happened at dinner. I know knew it was best for me to just stay out of everybody's way.
Anytime I tried to be cordial and put the drama to the side it always got thrown back in my face. It never failed to go to shit.
"Come on, let's get y'all in the bed." I spoke to the kids knowing they weren't really listening since they both were really tired and worn out.
As we began to walk up the stairs I saw a dark figure sitting on the couch staring at us. I froze— thinking the worst.
I grabbed Milan's hand and quickly attempted to head for the door but I guess Milan grew alert, she turned her head and looked to the person and let out a ear piercing scream.
The unknown person jumped up and cut on the light "It's me! Chill, calm down baby. It's me," Symir said with his hands thrown up in surrender.
From all the yelling that just occurred in the matter of seconds Sairè began to scream.
I literally had tears streaming down my cheeks. Me and both the kids were shaken up. "Symir what the fuck!" I screamed while rubbing Sairè's back.
"I'm sorry ma. Ian mean to scare y'all... come hea' baby." He said to Milan with his arms open.
She looked up to me almost as if she were asking permission to hug her own father. I gave her a weak smile letting her know it was okay.
I watched as she slowly walked over to Symir and let him lift her and hug onto her small body tight. He kissed her temple "I missed you so much."
"I missed you too." She said lowly with a sniffle.
Symir looked up to me and smiled faintly but I didn't do the same. I just stared at him plainly. No emotion whatsoever. I just he sensed that pretty quickly and went to reach for Sairè who hesitated as well.
"It's okay baby, go to dada." I tried to assure him everything was fine now, knowing he was shaken up. My baby was really smart and alert.
Finally Symir had both kids in his arms and began to kiss all over both of their faces. "Daddy so sorry.. I'm so sorry. I promise I won't ever do nothing to hurt or scare y'all ever again, okay?"
Milan nodded and moved her head closer to his chest "You promise?"
"I promise, princess. I'll never ever do it again."
I mentally rolled my eyes not believing a word he said. I was way past fed up, tired of all the lies and everything else negative that was surrounding me and mines.