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Grace realized the next morning that she didn't know where Tommy Shelby lived-so she asked around and found his address. When she knocked on the door, a woman with a cigarette hanging from her mouth opened up and greeted her. "You must be the barmaid Tommy hired on a whim yesterday. Come in-he only told us just yesterday you were coming. I'm Ada-his sister. The normal one." Ada said casually, talking an awful lot for someone Grace had just met. She noticed that Ada did not say 'the normal one' in a way of insult towards the younger sister, but as a statement of fact, quite like how Tommy had spoken yesterday about Lily. "Come this way-the little devil is in here." Ada motioned with her hand and stepped aside to reveal Polly bent over Lily, who was on the floor, screaming as loud as she could-which was quite loud, mind you. it was probably the loudest thing sweet, gentle Grace from Ireland had ever heard. She shifted from foot to foot awkwardly, suddenly feeling as if she'd dressed too fancy to be dealing with a child of such behavior.

 She would be sure to dress better suited to kneeling on the floor and having a childs fists in her skirts if this was how things were going to be. "H-hello." She stuttered, shy. Polly looked up from the floor, giving Grace a once over. "Ah, yes. The barmaid. I don't know what crossed Tommy's mind to think this is a good idea, but I suppose I could use the help. And Tommy always ends up right in the end, somehow." She shook her head, and motioned for Grace to come over. "Come. Sit. Maybe meeting someone new will pull her out of this fit." Polly scoffed, quite frustrated that it was only morning and that she already had to deal with a tantrum of such longevity. Grace set down her bag and ventured forward, sitting down on the floor next to the child. She looked a little more well kept them the day before-she had not been out in the streets to play yet and she had no shoes or stockings, just a lacey white nightgown with a stain of eggs from breakfast and a small rip in one of the sleeves from god knows what. Her hair was mussed from sleep, and had not been brushed yet. "Where's Tommy?" Grace questioned. "Out." Polly said staunchly." Leaves for work most mornings just after breakfast. Sometimes earlier. Mornings in our household are difficult." Ada clarified, giving more insight then Polly had with her single word reply.

 "Oh." Was all Grace said in return, giving a nod to Ada in thanks. Lily slowed her kicking suddenly, and her screeching came to a halt. She sat up, angling her head towards the sky and sniffing profusely. Then, quick as lightning, she threw out a hand and searched the empty space around her for the culprit of the new scent around her. "She must smell your perfume." Ada explained. Grace reached out to meet Lily's hand. Lily yanked it towards her and continued her sniffing. Then she ran her hands up Grace's arms and felt her face and hair, gathering as much as she could about this new person. Grace leaned back and gripped the purse she had brought with her and pulled out a red ribbon. "For her hair. I had it since I was a child. I saved it for my own daughter one day but...that never came to be." She whispered. Polly stiffened. She wasn't one to talk about children lost, or wanting kids but not having any. It was too painful, and she liked to focus on the one child she cared for now.

 Lily smiled and squealed, the first normal sound Grace had heard her make in the short time she knew her. She intertwined the ribbon between her fingers, and then rubbed it against her cheek, sighing softly. "Well thank heavens for that! A crisis averted thanks to that little red ribbon. The smallest things cause a tantrum, and then the smallest things cease them." Polly sighed, standing up and brushing off her skirts. "Ada, take Finn to get some fresh bread from the bakery." Polly ordered, reaching for her coin purse.

 Then she turned to Grace. "I'm going in the other room to do paperwork and women's business. Knock if you need anything." Then she turned, and left Grace and the child alone. "Well Lily. I guess it's just you and me now." 

*authors note: Things are amping up with Grace trying to help Lily learn and behave herself. She is going to realize very soon that Lily as a handful. 

Savage Beast-A Peaky Blinders retelling of Helen KellerWhere stories live. Discover now