CH1: Silence

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Silence....that's all there is in my world, nothing but silence that's what some people ask for, some get lucky and get it, some like me who wants more than silence find themselves alone and we wish for something more than this silence, more to being lost, alone and....silent

6 months ago i woke up in the middle of no were alone and scared, today im still alone but lost, there's life out there but it don't feel like it belongs to me, i feel like its wrong being there, i did go there a few times but the feeling of not belonging always creeps up on me, i go once a month just to get a blood supplies but other than that i live in the forest were i woke up,

i know what i am took me a while to figure it out but i have come to terms with it, and control it with animal blood and occasionally human blood, and i also know what i can do, the surprising thing about it is that whenever i use my powers i don't have to try, it sorta flow through me naturally like I've known how for years, but sometimes its hard to control them, but they come in handy

"Hello?" My head turned towards the voice there was someone in the forest, usually no one comes here

"Anyone there?" I heard her feet stomping on the ground and branches breaking, its a human

"I see the fire...please help me" i turned towards the fire i lit to keep me warm then i heard her curse

"Please i need help" i contemplated then i smelled blood and i made my decision i stood up and followed her stomping feet till i stood in-front of her she let out a shriek and held her heart

"You scared me...please i need your help" she looked young, and injured

"Whats happened?" I asked my voice neutral

"My family are being attacked please help" she sounded desperate i looked at her and back at my camp site something in me told me to go and another part just wanted to eat her

"Show me" i said again my voice emotionless she started speed walking as i followed her

"Thank god i found you, my family were just walking into town when these men came out of no where and attacked us" she babbled on hut i wasn't interested in her rant

"Im sorry" she said i looked up at her confused then i was hit on the back of my head i stumbled but regained my footing i looked up to see 3 vampires

"Who are you?" I asked and one laughed

"Your worst nightmare" the second one said i watched them as they circle me i heard the girl crying but i didn't pay attention to her but paid attention to how to get us both out of here, im jot mad at her i understand that she was forced and in not about to let her die

"So girlie hows it gonna be the hard way or the easy way?" The first one said

"Let her go" i said my voice coming out harsh but not to harsh to force him with my power, they don't need to know what i am because i need them to crawl back to their bosses

"Not until we get you" we circled around for a few minutes and then they lunched at me i used my speed and moved fast they all fell in-front of me but the first one got up fast

"Your gonna pay for that" then he lunched at me again but he wasn't a match for me as i grabbed his neck and went to his ears and used my powers on him

"Stop squirming and listen" i whispered and he stopped

"Take your pals and go back to your boss and tell him we escaped...and i mean me and the girl, after that kill yourself" i know it was extreme but my orders only work till his done what his told and i cant risk him telling

"Yes mistress" that was still a clue for me they always say that after i give orders

"Go" then i through him on his friends he gathered them up and let the girl go and they ran i stared at the girl for a second then i turned to walk away

"Please don't be mad at me" she begged, i stopped feeling conflicted i wanted to be mad at her but i couldn't, i felt protective of her and i didn't like it

"Im not" i said honestly

"Just disappointed" i added then started to walk

"Please" she begged again i could practically read her mind by the sound of her plea

"Follow me" i said still walking then i heard her heavy foot steps behind me as she walked

"Humans!" I muttered she kept silent and followed

"My names jenny by the way" she said trying to converse but i didn't want to talk, i haven't talked to anyone in a few months now and ive never talked to a teenage human girl so i don't really know how to converse with her so i kept quiet

"Where are we going?" She asked

"Home" was all in said and then on it was silence, just like before.

Eternal Awakening: Find Me (Book 2: Awakening series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora