CH 21: Guilt (edited)

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Its been 3 weeks since we buried nina and turned anna, 3 weeks that jenny's been missing, and its been 3 weeks we been killing foor information, inbthat time period we have taken down the red k gang and a few supernatural creatures, all the information we have gathered seem to all be pointing at me, someone out there wants me for my power, but is picking on each one of my family just to get my attention, but no one knows who it is just that his looking for me, and his already killed 2 of my family, nina and jasper and took 3 of them alex, daniel, and jenny, for what? I dont know but i will not rest till he dies

"What does he want?!" Asked anna scrunching her face in disguts after i just told her about the latest info

"My heart" i said it again

"Why?" She asked confused

"They said that by eating the most powerful beings heart you get their powers, and that is why his after me" i explained she was still thinking about the heart, her face still the same, in rolled my eyes and shook my head

"For a vampire you sure are weird!" She shook her head as if erasing a bad image

"Well i know i can drink blood and not gag although i want to...but a heart? Now that is just to much" she got up from the chair going to the fridge in full speed

"You know you should work on your speed" she snorted

"What for? Speed is all i need" she moved to the sink getting a foam cup for her blood

"But sometimes you need to take it slow" she ignored me pouring her blood into the cup and sipping it i sat on the chair next to hers at the dinning table staring down at the notes we got

"What are you looking for?" She asked then went back to sipping her blood

"Some kind of clue to who we're dealing with" i turned a page just trying to find some sort of clue

"Your wasting your time" i turned to her glaring at her, she has been like this since Nina died, i always let it go cause i knew she was grieving, even now she is still but her cold attitude is getting a little to much

"You know what, im gonna go get some fresh air" i got up from the chair walking to the door then i heard her muttered something i stopped and turned to her

"What?" She put the blood away and turned to look at me

"im sorry" her tone and facial features are sincere, then tears fell from her eyes

"Its hard...i thought that maybe if i acted cold that it would make me cold, but it hurting not just you but me" she wiped the tears

"Why do you want to be cold?" She looked at me her eyes watery

"Because the pain is just to much to handle, i didn't just lose a sister i lost a part of myself...i feel an empty whole so empty that it hurts physically now, i don't know what to do anymore crystal....what should i do?" She started crying begging me for an answer

"I do not know how you feel, cause we grieve differently so i will not say i know how you feel, but what i can say is that it will go away with time" i took her hand and we went to sit on the couch i brought her into my arms and stroked her hair comforting her

"there is no cure or any way to let go of the pain, it is there for a reason its meant to keep you strong, and sometimes all you have to do is stay strong, let go of the pain let it break you and make you" she sobbed in my arms, i felt tears forming in my eyes but i tried to hold them back

“your responsible, although you may not be able to prevent the worst from happening, you're responsible for your attitude toward the inevitable misfortunes that darken life, bad things do happen, how you respond to them defines your character and the quality of your life, you can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of yourloss, or you can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift you have – life itself” she shook from her sobs, i continued to comfort her by stroking her hair, often telling her it'll be ok, we stayed on the couch for hours till she cried herself to sleep, i carefully laid her down and covered her with a blanket then i walked over to the kitchen to grab a cup of blood, then i saw her cup set on the table and i broke down, i been blaming myself for what happened to them, if i stayed after i caught those two i could've prevented this mess, saving both my sisters and jenny....but of-course the fates have other ideas, then it hit me

"The fates..."i stopped crying picking my sorry ass off the floor and walking over to the papers, reading each statemets over and over one by one, and it all pointed to one thing

"The fates!" I could feel my blood boiling, how could such godly being do such horrible things, and not only that they abuse their powers i stood up grabbing my phone on the counter and walking out to the balcony, calling the only person i could trust

"Hey Sam, we need to talk" i know he isn't ready to confront Anna cause he has this secret admirer thing going but it would be good if they both get their memories back, so we could figure this mess up


"Now Sam!" Then i hanged up the phone before he could protest more then i walked into the hotel and woke up Anna she looked confused

"Whats going on?" The door boomed with two knocks the same time she asked

"We need to talk to someone" i said walking to the door opening it then i grabbed his collar and pulled him in before he could say hello

"What the hell!" He said glaring at me i closed the door and locked it turning to them, Anna looked shocked and scared and Sam looked pissed

"I know who's behind this" i said leaning on the door like i was preventing someone from coming in or out, Anna's eyes went wide so was Sam

"Who? And How?" They both asked then they looked at each other smiling and anna blushed

"fates" then Sam turned to me with wide eyes

"What?! How did you know?" He asked shocked which confused me

"It sorta came to me" his eyes widen and his mouth agape

"Are you a telepathic or something?" i looked at him confused

"No!" He looked at me suspiciously

"So how did you know im her fated?" That question threw me off guard then it hit me, not just his words but memories of Sam and Anna during one of our hunts, and him confessing his love for her everything to the very last night when i wrote a letter and walked out

"Woah! What was that?" I looked up to see sam on the floor next to anna and i was still near the door but on the floor i carefully stood up bending over catching my breath, feeling my head pounding

"That was a flash back..." i said still bent over shaking my head to clear my vision, it was silent so i looked up and was shocked at the sight in front of me Anna and Sam making out on the couch almost ripping their clothes off but i stopped them before they got to that part

"Hello!! Im still here!" I screamed and they both looked at me getting off the couch to help me we sat on the couch and my head was still spinning from the flash back

"I remember everything...but how?" Asked Sam confused

"Its a thing with us, when we get close to each other we get flash backs" explained Anna but Sam seem confused

"Its the fates!" i said putting my head back

"We know were fates crystal, you don't need to remind us" said Sam

"Even in a weird alternate dimension we still had hots for each other!" Said Anna i let out a frustrated sigh

"You morons! The fates are behind this!!" I said smacking both their heads earning a simultaneous

"Ouch!" Which gave made me smile

"Why would the fates do this? I mean what reason would they have to be taking us off one by one?" Asked Sam confused

"Me" i said closing my eyes feeling the familiar guilt engolf me, im the reason they died and will die, im the reason...and knowing it made me even more guilty.

Eternal Awakening: Find Me (Book 2: Awakening series)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin