CH 13: Gone wrong

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"The next clue is finding Alex, then the rest will come" i starred at the teenage boy breathing heavily in my arms

"How can i find him?" I asked him but he passed out

"Shit!" I cursed him then i saw Anna running over

"A few more coming....we gotta get out of here!" She said turning to shoot the ones we were just fighting

"We need to take him to the hospital" i said carrying him running as Anna covered me

" go go go!"she screamed as we entered the car, jenny helping me with the boy as Nina drove like crazy and Anna shooting them

"We need to get them off our trail!" Said anna reloading her gun

"He cant wait his bleeding heavily!" I said smelling blood but not seeing it we turned him over and saw a bullet hole

"We need to get him there now!" I said as Anna came in for another round

"Well its kinda hard doing that now!" She said then got out of the window again shooting i looked up using my vision i saw a turn just up ahead

"Turn here and dont stop keep going and take him to the hospital" i said getting ready to jump

"Were you going?" Asked Anna as she came back in the car

"Taking them down" i said then i jumped out of thee car rolling on the side i got up and saw the cars stopping and turning around i took the opportunity to summon my powers

"lets play!" I said raising my arms bending the vines and roots as they stood up waiting for my command i watched as they looked determined on running me over and shooting me down as they got closer i unleashed nature on them taking them off guard flipping over their cars smashing them

'Boom...boom...boom' three loud booms echoed through the wind as three parts of my body pounded with pain my shoulder, my stomach and my leg, burning hot pain ran through my body and i instantly knew that i was shot by pure old age silver deadliest kind, but the other two were regular bullets

"Mother fu-" then i blacked out, but before i hit the ground i heard a car from a distance and i saw two bright lights, then it all faded.

Eternal Awakening: Find Me (Book 2: Awakening series)Where stories live. Discover now